CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 108     Entry time: Mon Mar 16 10:05:23 2020
Author: Matej Roguljic 
Category: Software 
Subject: PhQualification change 
Urs made a change in pXar, in the PhOptimization algorithm. One of the changes is in the testParameters.dat where vcalhigh is set to 100 instead of 255. This was implemented on the PC used to run full qualification. A separate procedure for elComandante was created, "PhQualification.ini", which runs pretest, pixelalive, trimming, ph and gainpedestal. This procedure will need to be run on all the modules qualified before this change was made and later merged with previous full qualification results.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898