CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 112     Entry time: Wed Mar 18 15:16:47 2020
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Software 
Subject: Change in trimmig algorithm 
Urs yesterday modified the algorithm and tested it. From today we are using it. Main change that threshold for trimming is not any more fixed to VthrComp=79 but calculated based on the bottom tornado value + 20. CalDel is also optimised. This allows us to avoid failures in the trimbit tests due to too high threshold, eg if the bottom of tornado close to 70 a fraction of pixels in a chip could have threshold above 70 and hence fail in the test.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898