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Entry  Tue Mar 24 18:11:52 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Reanalised test results 
    Reply  Wed Mar 25 18:31:46 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Reanalised test results 
Message ID: 132     Entry time: Tue Mar 24 18:11:52 2020     Reply to this: 139
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Re-grading 
Subject: Reanalised test results 
Test resulsts of several modules have been re-analised without grading on trimbit failure.
M1614: C->B
M1613: C->A
M1609: C->B
M1618: B->A
M1612: B->B
M1610: B->B
M1608: C->B
M1606: C->C (too many badly trimmed pixels)
M1605: C->B

Most of all B gradings and one C are due to badly trimmed pixels. The threshold after trimming usually has 3(!) separated peaks.
We should understand this feature.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898