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Entry  Tue Mar 24 18:09:07 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 
    Reply  Wed Mar 25 17:03:11 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 
Message ID: 137     Entry time: Wed Mar 25 17:03:11 2020     In reply to: 131
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Full test 
Subject: FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
Test results have been analysed with modified code:
M1615: B
M1619: A
M1620: B
M1622: B

One pixel of M1615 still failed mask test but it was not taken in to account in the final grading???
I put it in the shelves for Module doctor. To be decided what to do with this module.

For Wolfram one channel of M1615 does not work. He noticed that the cable has corrosion (probably this cable has been attached to a module that has been irradiated in Zagreb). After Reception test this module again graded C due to a mask test failure of one pixel in one ROC.

Wolfram proposed to grade this module as C*.

ELOG V3.1.3-7933898