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Entry  Thu Sep 26 21:48:56 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Module assembly, Cap gluing training 
    Reply  Fri Sep 27 23:22:02 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Module assembly, Cap gluing training M1522_beforeGluing.pngM1522_afterGluing.pngM1522_diff.png
Message ID: 16     Entry time: Thu Sep 26 21:48:56 2019     Reply to this: 19
Author: Dinko Ferencek 
Category: Module assembly 
Subject: Cap gluing training 
Today I performed my first cap gluing. As an exercise it was first done on two dummy modules and later on a pre-production module M1522. Before the cap gluing the module M1522 was visually inspected and a Reception test was run. Before the cap gluing everything looked fine. After the cap gluing the module M15222 was again visually inspected and it looked like wire bonds in one of the corners might have been slightly bent and some glue got deposited on some of the wire bonds. The Reception test will be repeated tomorrow.
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