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Entry  Tue Mar 31 09:29:02 2020, Urs Langenegger, Full test, exchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A 
    Reply  Tue Mar 31 17:36:36 2020, Urs Langenegger, Full test, exchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A 
Message ID: 167     Entry time: Tue Mar 31 17:36:36 2020     In reply to: 163
Author: Urs Langenegger 
Category: Full test 
Subject: exchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A 

Urs Langenegger wrote:
I did not manage to get any r/o from the module connected to that adapter, also after exchanging the module.

So I exchanged the module adapter with the one from the blue box, and all issues with r/o were gone (with both modules)

Of course, the apparently flaky adapter from WXC03A seems to be working again/now in the blue box.

Just fyi.

Today I have to reconnect a few times modules to the module adapter in the blue box.
It looks like the Molex connector is a bit damaged. One should be very careful while connecting a cable to this Molex connector.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898