CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 193     Entry time: Tue Apr 7 16:57:01 2020
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Full test 
Subject: FT of M1593, M1658, M1659, M1660 
M1593: B due to Rel.gain width and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1658: B due to threshold and mean noise of ROC15
M1659: B due to threshold and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1660: C due to 172 pixels failed Threshold (trimmed) on ROC7 only at second -20C, the first -20C and +10C trimming threshold is OK for this chip

M1660 to C* tray and retest with all other modules after production,
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898