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Entry  Wed Oct 2 12:50:52 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification 
    Reply  Sat Oct 5 22:59:58 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification 
Message ID: 21     Entry time: Wed Oct 2 12:50:52 2019     Reply to this: 22
Author: Dinko Ferencek 
Category: Software 
Subject: Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification 
Full qualification was attempted for M1532 on Oct. 1. After the second Fulltest at -20 C finished, the Keitley client crashed with the following error
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 139, in check_busy
    if data[0] == '\x11': # XON
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

Because of this, the IV measurement never started (the main elComandante process was simply hanging and waiting for the Keithley client to report it's ready) and the main elComandante process had to be interrupted.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898