CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 212     Entry time: Tue Apr 14 17:29:46 2020
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: General 
Subject: ROC4 or ROC12 defects 
Starting from M1650 almost every module has a cluster of dead pixels or broken bump bonds on
ROC4 or (more often) ROC12. The number of defects varied from 20 to 40.
It's almost excluded that such damage is made at PSI, since both of us: Silvan and me, first time connected the cable
to the module.
It would be interesting to check whether these bare modules arrived all together.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898