CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 246     Entry time: Fri May 1 19:34:01 2020
Author: danek kotlinski 
Category: Module grading 
Subject: M1582 
M1582 was classified as C because of 167 pixels failing trimming in ROC1.
I have tested this module.
The attached plots show the 1d & 2d threshold distributions.
The average threshold is 49.98 with rms=1.39 there is 1 pixel failing (at 0) and 1 pixel with a very low threshold of 37.
I think this ROC is OK, actually it is very nice.
Attachment 1: m1582_roc1_thr.png  27 kB  Uploaded Fri May 1 20:36:55 2020  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: m1582_roc1_thr_2d.png  55 kB  Uploaded Fri May 1 20:37:10 2020  | Show | Show all
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