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Message ID: 259     Entry time: Mon May 11 14:40:16 2020
Author: danek kotlinski 
Category: Other 
Subject: M1582 
On Friday I have tested the module M1582 at room temperature in the blue box.
The report in MoreWeb says that this module has problems with trimming 190 pixels in ROC1.

I see not problem in ROC1. The average threshold is 50 with rms=1.37. Only 1 pixel is in the 0 bin.
See the attached 1d and 2d plots.

Also the PH looks good. The vcal 70 PH map is reconstructed at vcal 70.3 with rms of 3.9.
5159 pixels have valid gain calibrations.

I conclude that this module is fine.
Maybe it is again a DTB problem, as reported by Andrey.
Attachment 1: m1582_roc1_thr_1d.png  19 kB  Uploaded Mon May 11 15:44:14 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: m1582_roc1_thr_2d.png  44 kB  Uploaded Mon May 11 15:44:24 2020  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 3: m1582_roc1_ph70.png  22 kB  Uploaded Mon May 11 15:44:34 2020  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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