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Message ID: 25     Entry time: Tue Oct 29 16:36:23 2019
Author: Matej Roguljic 
Category: Module assembly 
Subject: Assembly lab cap gluing jigs 
There are two jigs for cap gluing in the assembly lab, circled in red and blue on the photo in the attachment. The one closer to the door (red) we used to build glue Phase 2 HDI to a dummy sensor and four Phase2 ROCs. Before changing the head, the numbers of the alignment screws were noted.

The jig closer to the doors (red): Top two pins - 5.75; Left pin - 5.5
The jig further from the doors (blue): Top two pins - 5.71, Left pin - 3.25
Attachment 1: IMG_20191029_150037.jpg  1.185 MB  | Show | Show all
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