CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
Phase 1 Phase 2
Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
  Layer 1 Replacement Elog  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri May 22 17:09:37 2020, Andrey Starodumov, FTs for ETHZ, Module list1 
    Reply  Tue May 26 22:56:46 2020, Dinko Ferencek, FTs for ETHZ, Module list1 
Message ID: 271     Entry time: Fri May 22 17:09:37 2020     Reply to this: 274
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: FTs for ETHZ 
Subject: Module list1 
green: correct in Total production overview
black: to remove old entries/raws
red: many failures at one or both temperatures

M1536: M20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1537: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29

M1538: 149 defects, retest at m20?
M1539: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-05-11
M1540: M20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-05-04
M1541: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1542: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1543: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1545: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-03-26
M1546: 167 defects, retest at p10?
M1547: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1548: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1549: 196 defects, retest at m20?
M1550: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1551: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1552: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1553: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1554: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1555: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1556: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23

M1557: to be checked on May27 at -20C: run Vcal Scurves for trimmed to VCal=50 module and with -10 to VthrComp value to check failed 61 pixels on ROC4
M1565: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23
M1566: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23
M1568: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-24
M1569: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-24
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898