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Message ID: 35     Entry time: Wed Nov 27 08:39:24 2019
Author: Matej Roguljic 
Category: Cold box tests 
Subject: Bump bonding test investigation 
The BB test on M1534 shows a lot of dead bunmps on C10 and some on C1 and C0 as well. Putting a source on top of the module shows that the pixels for which the test showed dead bumps are still able to read hits from the source. Therefore, it looks like the bumps are working, but the test is reporting them as defective. It turns out that the bumps used by Helsinki are different than the bumps used at PSI so a different test needs to be used. After trying all 4 BB tets in pXar, it was concluded that BB2 is the appropriate test to use.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898