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Entry  Mon Dec 2 17:29:06 2019, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT 
    Reply  Tue Dec 3 12:15:54 2019, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT M1526ATm20.pngM1526ATp10.png
Message ID: 44     Entry time: Tue Dec 3 12:15:54 2019     In reply to: 43
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Full test 
Subject: 4 modules FT 

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
FullQualification of four modules M1526, M1529, M1521 and M1534 has been done. Full time of the test is about 5.5hrs.
Test included: FT@-20C, IV@-20, 3Cycles from -20C up to +10C, FT@10C and IV@10C.
Only M1521 passed the test (Grade B). Several issues observed in other modules:
1) 2-6 ROCs with TrimBit test failure for many pixels
2) Trimming id bad for some ROCs
3) test at +10C often better than at -20C
4) some ROCs have issues with Thr and Gain distributions (out of specifications)

To be understood before the mass production!

We have run with Urs TrimBit test for M1526 at room T (without turning ON coldbox)
and results are confirmed yesterday observations of TrimBit test failure of several ROCs.
Urs will take a look and try to understand the issue.

To illustrate the problem below two summary tables of M1526 at -20C and +10C are shown.
Attachment 1: M1526ATm20.png  209 kB  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: M1526ATp10.png  209 kB  | Show | Hide all | Show all
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