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Message ID: 72     Entry time: Fri Feb 7 20:35:44 2020
Author: Dinko Ferencek 
Category: Full test 
Subject: FT for 4 modules: 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549 

1545: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). Problematic ROC 14: mean noise >320e, many dead trimbits, wide trimmed Vcal threshold distribution. IV: 0.20 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1547: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.41 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1548: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.13 uA at +10 C, slope 1.10
1549: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.33 uA at +10 C, slope 1.12

Chiller operational procedures:
Chiller temperature was initially set to 4 C and the coldbox was able to reach -19.7 C which is within the require 0.5 C margin and the Fulltest could start. About 1 hours into the Fulltest, it was observed that the coldbox temperature rose to 19.0 C. At that point the chiller temperature was lowered to 3.5 C and the coldbox was able to lower and keep the temperature in the -19.2 to -19.3 C range. Once the test at -20 C were done, for the Fulltest and IV at +10 C the chiller temperature was initially raised to +11 C and after about one hour (midway through the Fulltest), it was lowered to +10 C because at one point the coolant temperature rose to +13 C. The temperature history plot is attached.
Attachment 1: TemperatureCycle.pdf  42 kB  Uploaded Sat Feb 8 11:18:44 2020  | Show | Show all
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