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Message ID: 87     Entry time: Mon Feb 24 13:53:32 2020
Author: Urs Langenegger 
Category: Module assembly 
Subject: Setup changes in week 8 
Setup changes in week 8

Silvan considered the single-module gluing approach suboptimal. It was changed:
- we switched sides, the cap gluing is now done on the window-side of the aisle
- there are now two jigs set up for cap gluing

The procedure itself for gluing did not change: Apply the stamp with the glue to module 1, release, put module 1 into its jig, insert module 2 into gluing jig, apply stamp (because of the glue fluidity, the marks from module 1 will have disappeared and there is no need to re-apply any glue to the stamp). The caps are lowered onto the modules only once the glue has been applied to both modules.

Silvan recommended applying the weight of only one copper(?) bar, to be placed centered on the top of the z-stage.

Silvan also recommended against using ethanol. Instead we are supposed to use aceton. As a result, the plastic tweezers should not be used anymore, but rather metallic tweezers.

Finally, Silvan changed the Peltiers, and applied isolation inside Red October. We observed cooling times from 10C to -20C of 6 minutes.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898