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Entry  Tue Mar 3 14:05:13 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Regrading C modules: due to Noise 
    Reply  Wed Mar 4 16:00:05 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Regrading C M1591: due to Noise 
Message ID: 95     Entry time: Tue Mar 3 14:05:13 2020     Reply to this: 97
Author: Andrey Starodumov 
Category: Re-grading 
Subject: Regrading C modules: due to Noise 
It has been realized by Urs that VCal to electron conversion used by MoreWeb is still 50e/VCal.
While recent calibration done by Maren with a few new modules suggest that this conversion is 43.7electrons per 1 VCal (the number from Danek).
I re-run MoreWeb analysis with 44e/Vcal for modules that are graded C for high noise (>300e).

1) Change 50-->44 in
(1) Analyse/AbstractClasses/ 'StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor':50,
(2) Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg:StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor = 50
(3) Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default:StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor = 50

2) remove all SCurve_C*.dat files (otherwise new fit results are not written in these files)
3) run python -r -m M1591

- all three T grade C due to Mean Noise > 300 for ROC0 and/or both ROC0 and ROC1
- after rerun MoreWeb all but one grades are B on individual FT page but in Summary pages grades still C???
- second time at -20C: grade C is due to trimming fails in ROC0: 211 pixels have too large threshold after trimming

Trimming to be checked!!!
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