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Entry  Wed Mar 11 15:34:57 2020, Urs Langenegger, Other, M1586: issues with MOLEX? 
    Reply  Wed Mar 11 16:48:10 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Other, M1586: issues with MOLEX? 
Message ID: 99     Entry time: Wed Mar 11 15:34:57 2020     Reply to this: 100
Author: Urs Langenegger 
Category: Other 
Subject: M1586: issues with MOLEX? 
Module M1586 had passed the full qualification on 20/02/27. I had had to re-insert the cable in the Molex connector for it to become programmable.

On 2020/03/09, I tried to re-test M1586, but it was not programmable. Visual inspection revealed nothing to me. I did re-insert the cable once again, but this time this did not help.

Maybe one should try again re-inserting the cable.

Maybe these issues are an indication that the module (MOLEX) is flaky.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898