I ran PhQualification over the weekend with changes pulled from git (described here https://elrond.irb.hr/elog/Layer+1+Replacement/108).
14.3. M1554, M1555, M1556, M1557
First run included software changes, but I forgot to change the vcalhigh in testParameters.dat
The summary can be seen in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/VcalHigh255 (change T-20 to T+10 to see results for +10 degrees)
Second run was with vcalhigh 100.
The summary can be seen in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/Vcal100
15.3. M1558, M1559, M1560
I only ran 3 modules because DTB2 (WRE1O5) or its adapter was not working. Summary is in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/Vcal100
The full data from the tests are in ~/L1_DATA/MXXXX_PhQualification_... |