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Entry  Wed Nov 27 21:50:02 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules 
    Reply  Thu Nov 28 18:23:31 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules 
Message ID: 39     Entry time: Thu Nov 28 18:23:31 2019     In reply to: 37
Author: Dinko Ferencek 
Category: Software 
Subject: Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules 

Dinko Ferencek wrote:
Due to different DAC settings needed for PROC V3 and V4, a single folder containing module configuration files cannot cover both ROC types. To address this problem, the existing folder 'tbm10d' in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/data/ containing configuration for PROC V4 was renamed to 'tbm10d_procv4' and a new folder for PROC V3, 'tbm10d_procv3', was created. For backward compatibility, a symbolic link 'tbm10d' was created that points to 'tbm10d_procv4'.

The difference in the configurations is in the CtrlReg DAC value which is 9 for V3 and 17 for V4.

The following lines were also added in the [defaultParameters] section in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/config/elComandante.conf

tbm10d_procv3: tbm10d_procv3
tbm10d_procv4: tbm10d_procv4

Since the new PH optimization code was added under the already existing PH test, the old configuration files would have to be updated to have the correct parameter values set for the expanded PH test. For this purpose, the old configuration folders were renamed

tbm10d_procv3 --> tbm10d_procv3_old
tbm10d_procv4 --> tbm10d_procv4_old

and new configuration files were re-generated from scratch

./mkConfig -d ../data/tbm10d_procv3 -t TBM10D -r proc600v3 -m
./mkConfig -d ../data/tbm10d_procv4 -t TBM10D -r proc600v4 -m

In addition, in both sets of configurations files, the configuration for the BB2 tab in the pXar GUI was moved from moreTestParameters.dat to testParameters.dat to have the BB2 tab available by default when starting pXar using these configuration files.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898