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Entry  Thu Apr 30 16:47:00 2020, Matej Roguljic, Software, MoReWeb empty DAC plots 
    Reply  Thu Apr 30 17:24:57 2020, Dinko Ferencek, Software, MoReWeb empty DAC plots 
    Reply  Thu Apr 30 17:33:04 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Software, MoReWeb empty DAC plots 
       Reply  Thu May 7 00:10:15 2020, Dinko Ferencek, Software, MoReWeb empty DAC plots 
Message ID: 243     Entry time: Thu Apr 30 16:47:00 2020     Reply to this: 244   245
Author: Matej Roguljic 
Category: Software 
Subject: MoReWeb empty DAC plots 
Some of the DAC parameters plots were empty in the total production overview page. All the empty plots had the number "35" in them (e.g. DAC distribution m20_1 vana 35). The problem was tracked down to the trimming configuration. Moreweb was expecting us to trim to Vcal 35, while we decided to trim to Vcal 50. I "grepped" where this was hardcoded and changed 35->50.

The places where I made changes:
  • Analyse/AbstractClasses/
  • Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default
    trimThr = 35
  • Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
    TrimThresholds = ['', '35']
  • Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
    self.SubPages.append({"InitialAttributes" : {"Anchor": "DACDSpread35", "Title": "DAC parameter spread per module - 35"}, "Key": "Section","Module": "Section"})

It's interesting to note that someone had already made the change in "Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg"
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898