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  Layer 1 Replacement Elog, Page 12 of 16  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Category Subject
  190   Mon Apr 6 17:18:02 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1606, M1630, M1655, M1566
M1606: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
M1639: C* due to failure many pixels of ROC1 at +10C as before: to be run at +10C with CtrlReg=17
M1655: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
M1656: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
  191   Tue Apr 7 14:26:48 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1567 failed
After exchange of TBM1 the results is the same:

1567: Grade C, no data from ROCs 8-11, looks like a problem with one TBM1 core

-during ThrComp-CalDel scan: WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "IDLE DATA"
- result: INFO: CalDel: 135 134 126 121 158 141 119 133 _ 124 _ 107 _ 126 _ 108 133 91 138 120
ROC8-ROC11 no hits!
  192   Tue Apr 7 15:25:21 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1662 failed
Address decoding of M1662 failed in one double column of ROC4.
To be decided what to do with this module.
Currently in C* tray.
  193   Tue Apr 7 16:57:01 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1593, M1658, M1659, M1660
M1593: B due to Rel.gain width and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1658: B due to threshold and mean noise of ROC15
M1659: B due to threshold and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1660: C due to 172 pixels failed Threshold (trimmed) on ROC7 only at second -20C, the first -20C and +10C trimming threshold is OK for this chip

M1660 to C* tray and retest with all other modules after production,
  194   Tue Apr 7 17:59:27 2020 Andrey StarodumovHDI test6 HDIs tested
2030, 2031, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1035
are tested. All OK.
  195   Tue Apr 7 18:02:07 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of 1654
After Silvan removed a cap and re-bonded broken and bent wires M1654 again has been tested.
RT grade is A.
Protection cap to be glued and to be (F)tested.
  196   Wed Apr 8 13:40:45 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1625 failed
Silvan substituted TBM on this module.
Now ROC0 does not have hits.
Grade C, goes to "Bad" tray.
  197   Wed Apr 8 13:43:15 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1623 failed
M1623: all ROCs are programmable but no readout from ROC8-ROC11.
Visual inspection is OK.
To module doctor.
  198   Wed Apr 8 15:02:37 2020 Andrey StarodumovSoftwareChange of CrtlReg for RT
So far in a blue box for RT tbm10d_procv3 parameters were used.
This is wrong, since CtrlReg=9 is better for -20C while for +10 or higher T
CtrlReg=17 is better.
From now on for RT tbm10d_procv4 will be used.
  199   Wed Apr 8 15:20:38 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1665
With CtrlReg=9 RT grade was B due to 90 noisy pixels in ROC5.
Noisy in this case means that one pixel in a 2x2 cluster in a few column got 40 hits instead of 10.
With CtrlReg=17 this problem gone. RT grade is A.
  200   Wed Apr 8 17:09:05 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1572, M1661, M1663, M1664
M1572: Grade B due to mean noise of ROC4 211 electrons
M1661: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons and in ROC12 44 pixels failed threshold cut
M1663: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons
M1664: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons and in ROC12 44 pixels failed threshold cut
  201   Wed Apr 8 17:17:13 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1662 failed

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
Address decoding of M1662 failed in one double column of ROC4.
To be decided what to do with this module.
Currently in C* tray.

With CtrlReg=17 the grade of module is B. Still in one double column "noisy" pixels: with hits from other 3 pixels of a cluster.
Stay in C* tray. To come back later.
  203   Thu Apr 9 14:36:10 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1669 and M1670
Both modules graded A.
  204   Thu Apr 9 14:49:07 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1650 failed
Module has been tested on April 2nd.
Under Molex connector in ROC12 471 dead or noisy pixels.
Grade C.
  206   Thu Apr 9 17:24:49 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1654, M1665, M1666, M1667
M1654: Grade A
M1665: Grade B due to noisy pixels in ROC5. To be checked by module doctor!
M1666: Grade B due to mean noise of several chips > 200 electrons. Again on ROC12 there is a cluster of 31 dead bumps!
M1667: Grade B due to mean noise of several chips > 200 electrons. Again on ROC12 there is a cluster of 41 dead bumps!

M1665 goes to Module doctor!
  207   Thu Apr 9 17:36:31 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1671 failed
ROC12-ROC15 no hits.
A candidate to TBM0 substitution, hence Grade C*.
To Module doctor1
  208   Thu Apr 9 17:43:54 2020 Andrey StarodumovHDI test4 HDIa tested
HDIs 3029, 3031, 3032, 4042 passed tests. All OK.
  209   Tue Apr 14 15:49:05 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testRT of M1623, M1657, M1673, M1674
M1623: Grade A, should be B due to 71 bump defects in ROC4
M1657: Grade B, due to 51 dead pixels in ROC12
M1673: Grade A, again 31 dead bumps in ROC12
M1674: Grade A, again 39 dead bumps in ROC12
  210   Tue Apr 14 16:54:31 2020 Andrey StarodumovOtherM1633 cable disconnected
We do not have any more module holders.
M1633 was in "Module doctor" tray.
I took module off the holder and put it in a gel-pak.
  211   Tue Apr 14 17:19:44 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1668, M1669, M1670, M1672
M1668: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for several ROCs
M1669: Grade B due to ROC2 mean noise >200e
M1670: Grade B due to ROC1 mean noise >200e
M1672: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for several ROCs
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