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IDdown Date Author Category Subject
  128   Tue Mar 24 15:20:18 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1623 failed Reception
M1623: all ROCs are programmable but no readout from ROC0-ROC3.
Visual inspection is OK.
To module doctor.
  127   Tue Mar 24 15:18:59 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1621 failed Reception
On M1621 ROC8 is not programmable.
  126   Tue Mar 24 15:16:56 2020 Andrey StarodumovHDI test8 HDIs tested on Mar 23
1014, 1016, 2001, 2003,
2004, 4013, 4015, 5014
All are good.
  125   Sun Mar 22 14:05:20 2020 Danek KotlinskiReception testM1615 failed

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
M1615 is programmable but "no working phases found"
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
To module doctor!

For me this module is working fine.
I could run phasefinding and obtained a perfect PixelAlive.
I left this module connected in the blue-box in order to run more advanced tests from home.
  124   Sun Mar 22 14:02:20 2020 Danek KotlinskiReception testM1616 failed

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
ROC10 of M1616 is not programmable, no readout from ROC10 and ROC11.
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK
To module doctor!

For me ROC10 is programmable.
It looks like there is not token pass through ROC11.
This affects the readout of ROCs 11 & 10.
Findphases fails because of the missing ROC10&11 readout.
  123   Sun Mar 22 13:57:25 2020 Danek KotlinskiReception testM1617 failed

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
ROC8 of M1617 is programmable but no readout from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of this module is broken,
this is exactly ROC8.

Interesting that the phase finding works fine, the width of the valid region is 4, so quite
good. ROC8 idneed does not give any hits but the token passed through it, so the overall
readout works fine. There re no readout errors.
The crack on the corner of this ROC is clearly visible.
I wonder how this module passed the tests in Helsinki?
  122   Fri Mar 20 18:32:34 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1609-M1612
M1609 and M1611 are graded C
M1610 and M1612 are graded B

C and most B grades are due to many trimbit failures. Interesting that this time at +10C there are more failures then at -20C.
  121   Fri Mar 20 18:09:47 2020 Andrey StarodumovHDI test3 HDIs tested
5008 failed, but most likely die to the pin head mis-alignment. Test to be repeated.
5007 and 5008: passed tests but during HV measurements (-800V) with a multymeter I heard high frequency noise and instead of -800V measure either -100V or -500V but the voltage jumped significantly. This effect is to be understood.
For the moment these HDIs will not be used in production.
  120   Fri Mar 20 17:05:58 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1617 failed
ROC8 of M1617 is programmable but no readout from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of this module is broken,
this is exactly ROC8.
  119   Fri Mar 20 14:53:52 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1616 failed
ROC10 of M1616 is not programmable, no readout from ROC10 and ROC11.
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK
To module doctor!
  118   Fri Mar 20 14:46:31 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1615 failed
M1615 is programmable but "no working phases found"
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
To module doctor!
  117   Thu Mar 19 18:01:50 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1605-M1608
Only M1607 graded B. All others are graded C due to trimbit test.
M1606 should be looked carefully and may be retested since the threshold after trimming has strange features
(although not for all temperatures) that may mean that some trimbits really do not work.
Other modules to be re-analised without results of trimbit test or upgrade manually, since these results
are due to test algorithm. After trimming the threshold looks good for all failed ROCs.
  116   Thu Mar 19 17:17:27 2020 Andrey StarodumovReception testM1609-M16012
Reception test done and caps are glued to modules M1609-M1612.
M1611 graded B due to double column failure on ROC13. Others graded A.
  115   Wed Mar 18 17:46:07 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1601-M1604
M1601-M1604 passed full test
M1601: grade B
M1602-M1604: Grade C. The main reason is failed pixels during trimbit test.
To be understood the reason and to be upgraded manually.
  114   Wed Mar 18 17:43:41 2020 Andrey StarodumovModule assemblyM1605-M1608
M1605 and M1606: reception done on Mar 17
M1607 and M1608: reception done today
All: grade A

Caps glued to M1605-M1608
  113   Wed Mar 18 15:23:27 2020 Andrey StarodumovGeneralNew rules at PSI
From today only two persons from the group allowed to be present. We are working in shifts: Urs in the morning start full qualification and I in the afternoon test HDIs, run Reception, glue caps and switch the cold box, chiller etc after the full test finished.
Silvan is building usually 4 modules and 6-8 HDIs per day.
  112   Wed Mar 18 15:16:47 2020 Andrey StarodumovSoftwareChange in trimmig algorithm
Urs yesterday modified the algorithm and tested it. From today we are using it. Main change that threshold for trimming is not any more fixed to VthrComp=79 but calculated based on the bottom tornado value + 20. CalDel is also optimised. This allows us to avoid failures in the trimbit tests due to too high threshold, eg if the bottom of tornado close to 70 a fraction of pixels in a chip could have threshold above 70 and hence fail in the test.
  111   Mon Mar 16 15:20:03 2020 Matej RoguljicPhQualificationPhQualification on 16.3.
PhQualification was run on modules M1561, M1564, M1565, M1566.
  110   Mon Mar 16 15:17:18 2020 Matej RoguljicModule assemblyM1601 and M1602
Andrey and I assembled modules 1601 and 1602 on Friday, 13.3. On Monday, 16.3. I ran reception on them (both graded A) and then glued protection caps on them.
  109   Mon Mar 16 11:04:41 2020 Matej RoguljicPhQualificationPhQualification 14.-15.3.
I ran PhQualification over the weekend with changes pulled from git (described here

14.3. M1554, M1555, M1556, M1557

First run included software changes, but I forgot to change the vcalhigh in testParameters.dat
The summary can be seen in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/VcalHigh255 (change T-20 to T+10 to see results for +10 degrees)

Second run was with vcalhigh 100.
The summary can be seen in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/Vcal100

15.3. M1558, M1559, M1560

I only ran 3 modules because DTB2 (WRE1O5) or its adapter was not working. Summary is in ~/L1_SW/pxar/ana/T-20/Vcal100

The full data from the tests are in ~/L1_DATA/MXXXX_PhQualification_...
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