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  Layer 1 Replacement Elog, Page 13 of 16  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Categorydown Subject
  163   Tue Mar 31 09:29:02 2020 Urs LangeneggerFull testexchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A
I did not manage to get any r/o from the module connected to that adapter, also after exchanging the module.

So I exchanged the module adapter with the one from the blue box, and all issues with r/o were gone (with both modules)

Of course, the apparently flaky adapter from WXC03A seems to be working again/now in the blue box.

Just fyi.
  164   Tue Mar 31 10:32:32 2020 Urs LangeneggerFull testM1637
Maybe M1637 has an issue: It got stuck twice at the same place with

[09:53:16.043] <TB0> INFO: PixTestReadback::CalibrateIa()
[09:53:16.043] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[09:53:17.924] <TB0> ERROR: <> Channel 6 Event ID mismatch: local ID (22) != TBM ID (23)
[09:53:17.924] <TB0> ERROR: <> Channels report mismatching event numbers: 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

After that, the DTB is unresponsive and elCommandante loses it. (The printout above is from the second testrun. I had restarted the complete fullqualification after realizing that DTB0 was 'missing' and checking manually that M1637 was properly connected).

I hope elCommandante manages this gracefully.
  167   Tue Mar 31 17:36:36 2020 Urs LangeneggerFull testexchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A

Urs Langenegger wrote:
I did not manage to get any r/o from the module connected to that adapter, also after exchanging the module.

So I exchanged the module adapter with the one from the blue box, and all issues with r/o were gone (with both modules)

Of course, the apparently flaky adapter from WXC03A seems to be working again/now in the blue box.

Just fyi.

Today I have to reconnect a few times modules to the module adapter in the blue box.
It looks like the Molex connector is a bit damaged. One should be very careful while connecting a cable to this Molex connector.
  169   Tue Mar 31 18:23:18 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1637, M1638, M1639, M1640
M1637: C. Graded C due to not completed first test at -20C. Urs has reported issues. The second -20C after T-Cycle and test at +10C are graded A.
Tomorrow I'll upgrade this module manually to A
M1638: A
M1639: B Due to B at first -20C test. ROC8 mean noise >200electrons. Second -20C and at +10C both are graded A
M1640: B All three FT are B due to several ROCs mean noise >200electrons
  172   Wed Apr 1 17:10:16 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1641-M1644
M1641: B due to mean noise > 200electons for a few ROCs
M1642: B due to mean noise > 200electons for a few ROCs
M1643: B due to mean noise > 200electons for a few ROCs
M1644: B due to mean noise > 200electons for one ROCs at -20C
  176   Thu Apr 2 22:50:33 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648
All modules graded B due to mean noise > 200 electrons.
  178   Fri Apr 3 14:15:01 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1637, M1638, M1639, M1640

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
M1637: C. Graded C due to not completed first test at -20C. Urs has reported issues. The second -20C after T-Cycle and test at +10C are graded A.
Tomorrow I'll upgrade this module manually to A
M1638: A
M1639: B Due to B at first -20C test. ROC8 mean noise >200electrons. Second -20C and at +10C both are graded A
M1640: B All three FT are B due to several ROCs mean noise >200electrons

Following procedure of regrading the first -20C test has been manually upgraded to B. The final grade is A since manual upgrade was not taken in to account. I do not know why. So, the module will be graded A.
  180   Fri Apr 3 15:21:54 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1545, M1557, M1627, M1628

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
Retested M1545: C->B (to be correct on the MoreWeb summary page)
Retested 1557: C->C in one ROC >160 pixels failed to be trimmed Module placed in a tray C*
1627: B
1628: B

All B grades due to high (>200electons) mean noise.

Final grade in the MoreWeb summary page is corrected.
Module graded B.
  181   Fri Apr 3 15:33:10 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
All modules graded B due to mean noise > 200 electrons.

in reality M1546 has been tested and NOT 1646. M1646 failed Reception due to not working ROC and graded C.
I hope we we will find a way to correct properly the module name and rerun MoreWeb analysis.
  182   Fri Apr 3 17:29:51 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1557, M1591, M1649, M1651
M1557: C due to 214 pixel threshold failure in ROC4 only at +10C (several previous FTs at +10C were graded B!)
M1591: B due to mean noise > 200electrons for several ROCs
M1649: C due to 270 pixel threshold failure in ROC11 only at +10C
M1651: B due to mean noise > 200electrons for several ROCs

For both modules C grading is an artifact. Should decide how to proceed with such cases.

M1557 and M1649 will be placed for the moment in C* tray.
  185   Mon Apr 6 14:23:03 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648

Andrey Starodumov wrote:

Andrey Starodumov wrote:
All modules graded B due to mean noise > 200 electrons.

in reality M1546 has been tested and NOT 1646. M1646 failed Reception due to not working ROC and graded C.
I hope we we will find a way to correct properly the module name and rerun MoreWeb analysis.

Folder with test results has been renamed from M1646 to M1546:
mv M1646_FullQualification_2020-04-02_08h41m_1585809682 M1546_FullQualification_2020-04-02_08h41m_1585809682

Dinko fixed logfiles and .tar file.

Results of M1646 has been removed with python -d (remove all rows related to M1646).
  190   Mon Apr 6 17:18:02 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1606, M1630, M1655, M1566
M1606: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
M1639: C* due to failure many pixels of ROC1 at +10C as before: to be run at +10C with CtrlReg=17
M1655: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
M1656: B due to mean noise of several ROCs> 200e
  193   Tue Apr 7 16:57:01 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1593, M1658, M1659, M1660
M1593: B due to Rel.gain width and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1658: B due to threshold and mean noise of ROC15
M1659: B due to threshold and mean noise of a few ROCs
M1660: C due to 172 pixels failed Threshold (trimmed) on ROC7 only at second -20C, the first -20C and +10C trimming threshold is OK for this chip

M1660 to C* tray and retest with all other modules after production,
  200   Wed Apr 8 17:09:05 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1572, M1661, M1663, M1664
M1572: Grade B due to mean noise of ROC4 211 electrons
M1661: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons and in ROC12 44 pixels failed threshold cut
M1663: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons
M1664: Grade B due to mean noise of a few ROCs > 200 electrons and in ROC12 44 pixels failed threshold cut
  206   Thu Apr 9 17:24:49 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1654, M1665, M1666, M1667
M1654: Grade A
M1665: Grade B due to noisy pixels in ROC5. To be checked by module doctor!
M1666: Grade B due to mean noise of several chips > 200 electrons. Again on ROC12 there is a cluster of 31 dead bumps!
M1667: Grade B due to mean noise of several chips > 200 electrons. Again on ROC12 there is a cluster of 41 dead bumps!

M1665 goes to Module doctor!
  211   Tue Apr 14 17:19:44 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1668, M1669, M1670, M1672
M1668: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for several ROCs
M1669: Grade B due to ROC2 mean noise >200e
M1670: Grade B due to ROC1 mean noise >200e
M1672: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for several ROCs
  215   Wed Apr 15 17:26:46 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1623, M1657, M1673, M1674
M1623: Grade B due to rel gain width, in ROC4 74 pixels failed trimming (Threshold) and mean noise >200e
M1657: Grade B due to 70 dead pixels in ROC12 and mean noise >200e
M1673: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in a few ROCs
M1674: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in a few ROCs
  218   Thu Apr 16 17:31:16 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1662, M1675, M1676
M1662: Grade C due to failure of ROC4 in almost all tests: PixelAlive, PH calibration etc
Should be investigated and retested. At Reception PixelAlive etc was OK, only one double column showed problems
M1675: Grade B due to mean noise > 200e for several ROCs
M1676: Grade B due to mean noise > 200e for several ROCs
  219   Fri Apr 17 18:05:45 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1542, M1557, M1630, M1649 only at +10C
M1542 has grade C for relative gain width. Was tested with early versions of test SW with trim VCal=40 and not yet optimized PH optimization/calibration.
Other modules have grade C only at +10C. This time CtrlReg=17 instead of 9 is used/
M1542: Grade B due to 61 pixels failed Threshold criteria (trimming)
M1557: Grade B due to mean noise and NOT any more like in FT 214 pixels failed Threshold criteria
M1630: Grade B due to mean noise and NOT any more like in FT 3883 pixels in ROC1 failed Gain criteria
M1649: Grade B due to mean noise only in one ROC and NOT any more like in FT 270 pixels failed Threshold criteria
  223   Tue Apr 21 17:39:48 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653
M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC11,14,15. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1554: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC9,13. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used module was graded B, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1555: Grade B due to 75 pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC10. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1653: Grade B due to >1% (~50) pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC5,12.
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