ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Text |
Tue May 26 22:56:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list1 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Fri May 29 15:56:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | FTs for ETHZ | Module list2 | [COLOR=green]green:[/COLOR] correct in Total
production overview
black: to remove old entries/rows
Thu Jun 4 11:32:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list2 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Mon Jun 15 10:36:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | FTs for ETHZ | Module list 3 | M1596 2020-04-28
M1597 2020-04-30
M1598 2020-05-04
Tue Jun 16 00:45:48 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list 3 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Tue Aug 6 14:30:00 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Documentation | Jumo Imago 500 manuals | Manuals can be found at |
Wed Aug 7 12:24:14 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Documentation | Activities 31.7.-9.8.2019. | 31.7.
Matej tested 4 HDIs (8030-8033 and 8010). |
Mon Mar 30 16:46:59 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | DB | Sensors missing in Advacam spreadsheet | Dinko noticed that several sensors are missing
in Advacam spreadsheet:
- 381785-03-3 used for M1586
Wed Aug 7 18:01:06 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | PhOptimization problem | August 7 - we found out that PhOptimization
algorithm starts leaking memory if it fails
to find proper values. If running one setup, |
Thu Oct 31 10:41:12 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Issue with DTB_WWVASW | On 29th of October, an issue with DTB_WWVASW
was noticed when trying to run FullQualification
on 4 modules at the same time. On a tested, |
Tue Nov 19 14:10:10 2019 |
Andrey | Cold box tests | new modules M1533 and M1534 | Yesterday Silvan wire bonded two new modules
M1533 and M1534 that are both grade C due
to high leakage current and a few ROCs with |
Wed Nov 27 08:39:24 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Bump bonding test investigation | The BB test on M1534 shows a lot of dead bunmps
on C10 and some on C1 and C0 as well. Putting
a source on top of the module shows that |
Mon Jan 20 21:33:20 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Latest tests of PH optimization | We did some tests by running the latest version
of pXar on modules M1521, M1529, M1534 and
M1536, specifically trimming and PH optimization. |
Tue Jan 21 12:19:08 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Latest tests of PH optimization | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]We did some tests
by running the latest version of pXar on
modules M1521, M1529, M1534 and M1536, specifically |
Thu Jan 23 14:54:45 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Keithley exchanged | Yesterday during an attempt to run the FullQualification,
elComandante would lose control over Keithley
after performing the IV curve measurements |
Mon Jan 27 17:50:48 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Failing modules at -20 | Friday, 24.1., it was noticed that the modules
are graded as 'C' in similar fashion. Module
is graded A/B at +10 degrees and then graded |
Thu Jan 30 13:51:03 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Fulltest failure - psiAgente | During the first fulltest@-20 of the full
qualification procedure for modules: 1539,
1541, 1542 and 1543; an error message popped |
Tue Feb 4 19:52:22 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Blue coldbox setup for reception tests commissioned | Today I continued where Matej left off with
commissioning the blue coldbox setup for
reception tests. All the necessary software |
Thu Feb 6 00:45:25 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Lost at least one Peltier in the coldbox | During an overnight (Feb. 4-5) FullQualification
run with modules 1545, 1547, 1548, and 1549
the coldbox lost the ability to maintain |
Thu Feb 6 17:28:23 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | New Peltiers installed | Today new Peltiers were installed and tested.
Unfortunately, we had trouble reaching -20
C with this new set of Peltiers (they are |