ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Fri Feb 14 09:48:27 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 12 modules: 1561-1576 (1563, 1567, 1572, 1575 excluded) |
Feb. 11
1561: C/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits in ROC 6, but trimmed Vcal threshold distribution and distribution of trim bits look OK. IV: 0.26 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
==> Manually regraded to B
1562: TEST INCOMPLETE: pXar crashed during 2nd Fulltest@-20 (m20_2). For more details, see here.
1564: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.78 uA at +10 C, slope 2.25
Feb. 12
1562: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). TEST INCOMPLETE: SCurves test failed for all ROCs in all 3 Fulltests with the following error messageERROR: <> no scurve result histograms received?! Trimming does not work in ROC 2.
1565: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.39 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
1566: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.37 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
1568: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.13 uA at +10 C, slope 1.15
1569: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.16 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1570: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.18 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1571: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.43 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
Feb. 13
1573: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.25 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1574: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs, problems with bump bonding and trimming in ROCs 1 and 2. IV: 0.46 uA at +10 C, slope 2.14
1576: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.23 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09 |
Fri Feb 14 14:05:16 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Production yield so far |
Of 41 modules produced and tested so far (1536-1576), 6 modules were found to be bad before or during the reception test, 5 were graded C after the full qualification (one of which is possibly C*) and the remaining 30 modules were graded B (of which 4 were manually regraded from C to B).
The overall yield for good modules (A+B/Total) produced so far is (30/41)=73% |
Fri Feb 14 14:40:59 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 2 modules: 1578, 1580 |
1579: Grade A
1580: Grade A |
Thu Apr 30 17:24:57 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots |
Matej Roguljic wrote: | Some of the DAC parameters plots were empty in the production overview page. All the empty plots had the number "35" in them (e.g. DAC distribution m20_1 vana 35). The problem was tracked down to the trimming configuration. Moreweb was expecting us to trim to Vcal 35, while we decided to trim to Vcal 50. I "grepped" where this was hardcoded and changed 35->50.
The places where I made changes:
- Analyse/AbstractClasses/
- Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default
trimThr = 35
- Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
TrimThresholds = ['', '35']
- Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
self.SubPages.append({"InitialAttributes" : {"Anchor": "DACDSpread35", "Title": "DAC parameter spread per module - 35"}, "Key": "Section","Module": "Section"})
It's interesting to note that someone had already made the change in "Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg" |
As far as I can remember, the changes in Analyse/AbstractClasses/, Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default and Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg were there from before, probably made by Andrey. It is possible that you looked at the files when I was preparing logically separate commits affecting the same files which required temporarily undoing and later reapplying some of the changes to be able to separate the commits. The commits are now on GitLab, specifically:
435ffb98: grading parameters related to the trimming threshold updated from 35 to 50 VCal units
1987ff18: updates in the production overview page related to a change in the trimming threshold |
Thu May 7 00:10:15 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots |
Andrey Starodumov wrote: |
Matej Roguljic wrote: | Some of the DAC parameters plots were empty in the total production overview page. All the empty plots had the number "35" in them (e.g. DAC distribution m20_1 vana 35). The problem was tracked down to the trimming configuration. Moreweb was expecting us to trim to Vcal 35, while we decided to trim to Vcal 50. I "grepped" where this was hardcoded and changed 35->50.
The places where I made changes:
- Analyse/AbstractClasses/
- Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default
trimThr = 35
- Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
TrimThresholds = ['', '35']
- Analyse/OverviewClasses/CMSPixel/ProductionOverview/ProductionOverviewPage/
self.SubPages.append({"InitialAttributes" : {"Anchor": "DACDSpread35", "Title": "DAC parameter spread per module - 35"}, "Key": "Section","Module": "Section"})
It's interesting to note that someone had already made the change in "Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg" |
I have changed
1)StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactorfrom 50 to 44 for VCal calibration of PROC600V4 is 44el/VCal
2)TrimBitDifference from 2 to -2 for not to take into account failed trim bit test that is an artifact from trimbit test SW. |
1) is committed in 74b1038e.
2) was made on Mar. 24 (for more details, see this elog) and is currently left in Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg and might be committed in the future depending on what is decided about the usage of the Trim Bit Test in module grading
$ diff Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg
< TrimBitDifference = 2.
> TrimBitDifference = -2.
There were a few other code updates related to a change of the warm test temperature from 17 to 10 C. Those were committed in 3a98fef8. |
Thu May 7 00:27:41 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module grading | Comment about TrimBitDifference and its impact on the Trim Bit Test |
To expand on the following elog, on Mar. 24 Andrey changed the TrimBitDifference parameter in Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg from 2 to -2
$ diff Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg
< TrimBitDifference = 2.
> TrimBitDifference = -2.
From the way this parameter is used here, one can see from this line that setting the TrimBitDifference to any negative value effectively turns off the test.
More details about problems with the Trim Bit Test can be found in this elog. |
Thu May 7 00:56:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb updates related to the BB2 test |
Andrey noticed that results of the BB2 test (here example for ROC 12 in M1675)
were not properly propagated to the ROC Summary
This was fixed in d9a1258a. However, looking at the summary for ROC 5 in the same module after the fix
it became apparent that dead pixels were double-counted under the dead bumps despite the fact they were supposed to be subtracted here. From the following debugging printout
Chip 5 Pixel Defects Grade A
total: 5
dead: 2
inef: 0
mask: 0
addr: 0
bump: 2
trim: 1
tbit: 0
nois: 0
gain: 0
par1: 0
total: set([(5, 4, 69), (5, 3, 68), (5, 37, 30), (5, 38, 31), (5, 4, 6)])
dead: set([(5, 37, 30), (5, 3, 68)])
inef: set([])
mask: set([])
addr: set([])
bump: set([(5, 4, 69), (5, 38, 31)])
trim: set([(5, 4, 6)])
tbit: set([])
nois: set([])
gain: set([])
par1: set([])
it became apparent that the column and row addresses for pixels with bump defects were shifted by one. This was fixed in 415eae00
However, there was still a problem with the pixel defects info in the production overview page which was still using using the BB test results
After switching to the BB2 tests results in ac9e8844, the pixel defects info looked better
but it was still not in a complete sync with the info presented in the FullQualification Summary 1
This is due to double-counting of dead pixels which still needs to be fixed for the Production Overview. |
Thu May 7 01:51:03 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Strange bug/feature affecting Pixel Defects info in the Production Overview page |
It was observed that sometimes the Pixel Defects info in the Production Overview page is missing
It turned out this was happening for those modules for which the MoReWeb analysis was run more than once. The solution is to remove all info from the database for the affected modules
python -d
type in, e.g. M1668, and when prompted, type in 'all' and press ENTER and confirm you want to delete all entries. After that, run
python -m M1668
followed by
python -p
The missing info should now be visible. |
Mon May 11 21:32:20 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page |
As a follow-up to this elog, double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page was fixed in 3a2c6772. |
Mon May 11 21:37:43 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed the BB defects plots in the production overview page |
0407e04c: attempting to fix the BB defects plots in the production overview page (seems mostly related to the 17 to 10 C change)
f2d554c5: it appears that BB2 defect maps were not processed correctly |
Mon May 11 21:41:15 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | 17 to 10 C changes in the production overview page |
0c513ab8: a few more updates on the main production overview page related to the 17 to 10 C change |
Wed May 13 23:16:37 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page |
Dinko Ferencek wrote: | As a follow-up to this elog, double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page was fixed in 3a2c6772. |
A few extra adjustments were made in:
38eaa5d6: also removed double-counting of pixel defects in module maps in the production overview page
51aadbd7: adjusted the trimmed threshold selection to the L1 replacement conditions |
Tue May 26 22:56:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list1 |
The following FullQualification tar file have been uploaded to CERNBox
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1536_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1537_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1539_FullQualification_2020-05-11*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1540_FullQualification_2020-05-04*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1541_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1542_FullQualification_2020-04-22*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1543_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1545_FullQualification_2020-03-26*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1547_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1548_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1550_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1551_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1552_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1553_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1554_FullQualification_2020-04-22*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1565_FullQualification_2020-04-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1566_FullQualification_2020-04-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1568_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1569_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/ |
Tue May 26 23:00:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Other | Problem with external disk filling up too quickly |
The external hard disk (LaCie) used to back up the L1 replacement data completely filled up after transferring ~70 GB worth of data even though its capacity is 2 TB. The backup consists of copying all .tar files and the WebOutput/ subfolder from /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/ to /media/l_tester/LaCie/L1_DATA/ The corresponding rsync command is
rsync -avPSh --include="M????_*.tar" --include="WebOutput/***" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/ /media/l_tester/LaCie/L1_DATA/
It was discovered that /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/WebOutput/ was by mistake duplicated inside /media/l_tester/LaCie/L1_DATA/WebOutput/ However, this could still not explain the full disk.
The size of the tar files looked fine but /media/l_tester/LaCie/L1_DATA/WebOutput/ was 1.8 TB in size while /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/WebOutput/ was taking up only 50 GB and apart from the above-mentioned duplication, there was no other obvious duplication.
It turned out the file system on the external hard disk had a block size of 512 KB which is unusually large. This is typically set to 4 KB. In practice this meant that every file (and even folder), no matter how small, always occupied at least 512 KB on the disk. For example, I saw the following
l_tester@pc11366:~$ cd /media/l_tester/LaCie/
l_tester@pc11366:/media/l_tester/LaCie$ du -hs Warranty.pdf
512K Warranty.pdf
l_tester@pc11366:/media/l_tester/LaCie$ du -hs --apparent-size Warranty.pdf
94K Warranty.pdf
And in a case like ours, where there are a lot of subfolders and files, many of whom are small, a lot of disk space is effectively wasted.
The file system used on the external disk was exFAT. According to this page, the default block size (in the page they call it the cluster size) for the exFAT file system scales with the drive size and this is the likely reason why the size of 512 KB was used (however, 512 KB is still larger than the largest block size used by default). The main partition on the external disk was finally reformatted as follows
sudo mkfs.exfat -n LaCie -s 8 /dev/sdd2
which set the block size to 4 KB. |
Thu Jun 4 11:32:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list2 |
The following FullQualification tar file have been uploaded to CERNBox
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1538_FullQualification_2020-04-29*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1546_FullQualification_2020-04-02*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1549_FullQualification_2020-05-04*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1557_FullQualification_2020-04-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1570_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1571_FullQualification_2020-05-04*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1572_FullQualification_2020-04-08*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1573_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1574_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1576_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1577_FullQualification_2020-04-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1578_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1579_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1580_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1581_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1582_FullQualification_2020-05-11*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1583_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1584_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1585_FullQualification_2020-04-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1586_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1587_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1588_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1589_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1590_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1591_FullQualification_2020-04-03*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1592_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1593_FullQualification_2020-04-07*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1595_FullQualification_2020-05-06*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/ |
Tue Jun 16 00:45:48 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list 3 |
The following FullQualification tar file have been uploaded to CERNBox
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1596_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1597_FullQualification_2020-04-30*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1598_FullQualification_2020-05-04*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1599_FullQualification_2020-03-25*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1600_FullQualification_2020-04-28*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1601_FullQualification_2020-03-18*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1602_FullQualification_2020-03-18*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1603_FullQualification_2020-03-18*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1604_FullQualification_2020-03-18*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1605_FullQualification_2020-03-19*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1606_FullQualification_2020-05-11*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1607_FullQualification_2020-03-19*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1608_FullQualification_2020-03-19*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1609_FullQualification_2020-03-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1610_FullQualification_2020-03-20*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1611_FullQualification_2020-03-20*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1612_FullQualification_2020-03-20*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1613_FullQualification_2020-03-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1614_FullQualification_2020-03-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1615_FullQualification_2020-03-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1618_FullQualification_2020-03-23*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1619_FullQualification_2020-03-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1620_FullQualification_2020-03-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1622_FullQualification_2020-03-24*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1623_FullQualification_2020-04-15*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1624_FullQualification_2020-03-25*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1626_FullQualification_2020-03-25*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1627_FullQualification_2020-03-26*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1628_FullQualification_2020-03-26*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1629_FullQualification_2020-03-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1631_FullQualification_2020-03-27*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1641_FullQualification_2020-04-01*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1642_FullQualification_2020-04-01*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1643_FullQualification_2020-04-01*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1644_FullQualification_2020-04-01*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1645_FullQualification_2020-04-02*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1647_FullQualification_2020-04-02*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1648_FullQualification_2020-04-02*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1649_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1651_FullQualification_2020-04-03*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1653_FullQualification_2020-04-22*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1654_FullQualification_2020-04-09*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1655_FullQualification_2020-04-06*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1656_FullQualification_2020-04-06*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1657_FullQualification_2020-04-15*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1658_FullQualification_2020-04-07*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1659_FullQualification_2020-05-06*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1660_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1661_FullQualification_2020-04-08*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1662_FullQualification_2020-04-16*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1663_FullQualification_2020-04-08*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1664_FullQualification_2020-04-08*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1665_FullQualification_2020-04-09*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1666_FullQualification_2020-04-09*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1667_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1668_FullQualification_2020-05-05*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1669_FullQualification_2020-04-14*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1670_FullQualification_2020-04-14*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1672_FullQualification_2020-04-14*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1673_FullQualification_2020-04-15*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1674_FullQualification_2020-04-15*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1675_FullQualification_2020-04-16*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/
rsync -avPSh --no-r --include="M1676_FullQualification_2020-04-16*.tar" --exclude="*" /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/* /home/l_tester/DATA/L1_DATA_Backup/CERNBox_Dropbox/ |
Sun Jul 5 13:20:55 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | General | Disk cleanup on the lab PC ( |
Home folder was cleaned up by deleting old pXar output .log and .root files. The full list is in the attached file. This released around 11 GB of disk space.
In addition, the following MoReWeb output folders which are no longer needed were deleted
This released around 805 MB of disk space. |
Attachment 1: pxar_junk_home.txt
... 873 more lines ...
Sat Sep 12 23:45:56 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created |
pXar parameter files were converted to POS configuration files by executing the following commands on the lab PC at PSI
Step 1 (needs to be done only once, should be repeated only if there are changes in modules and/or their locations)
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/
python -o module_locations.txt -f
Next, check that /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Folder_links/ is empty. If not, delete any folder links contained in it and run the following command
python -i module_locations.txt -p /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/ -m /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/WebOutput/MoReWeb/FinalResults/REV001/R001/ -l /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Folder_links/
Step 2
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar2POS/
for i in `cat /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/module_locations.txt | awk '{print $1}'`; do ./ -m $i -T 50 -o /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files/ -s /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Folder_links/ -p /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/module_locations.txt; done
The POS configuration files are located in /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files/ |
Tue Nov 10 00:50:47 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created |
danek kotlinski wrote: |
Dinko Ferencek wrote: | pXar parameter files were converted to POS configuration files by executing the following commands on the lab PC at PSI
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/
python -o module_locations.txt -f
python -i module_locations.txt -p /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/ -m /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/WebOutput/MoReWeb/FinalResults/REV001/R001/ -l /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Folder_links/
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar2POS/
for i in `cat /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/module_locations.txt | awk '{print $1}'`; do ./ -m $i -T 50 -o /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files/ -s /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Folder_links/ -p /home/l_tester/L1_SW/MoReWeb/scripts/module_locations.txt; done
The POS configuration files are located in /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files/ |
I have finally looked more closely at the file you have generated. They seem fine exept 2 points:
1) Some TBM settings (e.g. pkam related) differ from P5 values.
This is not a problem since we will have to adjust them anyway.
2) There is one DAC setting missing.
This is DAC number 13, between VcThr and PHOffset.
This is the tricky one because it has a different name in PXAR and P5 setup files.
DAC 13: PXAR-name = "vcolorbias" P5-name="VIbias_bus"
its value is fixed to 120.
Can you please insert it.
D. |
Hi Danek,
I think I implemented everything that was missing. The full list of code updates is here.
Dinko |
Tue Jan 19 15:12:12 2021 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created |
M1560 in position bpi_sec1_lyr1_ldr1_mod3 was replaced by M1613.
The POS configuration files were re-generated and placed in /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files/.
The old version of the files was moved to /home/l_tester/L1_DATA/POS_files/Configuration_files_20201110/. |