Wed Mar 25 20:17:16 2020, danek kotlinski, Module doctor, The list of modules tested today by Wolfram
M1542 nothing on sdata3 (12-15), bad output or wire-bond
M1544 ROC15 timing off, can be made to work (roc 15 vdig 11, ..), but probably not usable for the detector
M1545 full readout, ok, upgraded to C*
Wed Mar 25 18:40:53 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1599, M1613, M1624, M1616
M1599: B due to leakage current at +10 (2-3umA)
M1613: B due to a few pixels with bad trimmed threshold
M1624: B due to a few ROCs with mean noise>200electrons
Tue Mar 24 18:11:52 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Reanalised test results
Test resulsts of several modules have been re-analised without grading on trimbit failure.
M1614: C->B
M1613: C->A
Wed Mar 25 18:31:46 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Re-grading, Reanalised test results
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test resulsts of several modules have been re-analised without grading on trimbit failure.
M1614: C->B
M1613: C->A
Wed Mar 25 18:30:23 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 4+2 HDI tested
2 suspicious HDIs retested and found OK: 5006/5007
5013, 5016, 3017, 3019 are OK. |
Tue Mar 24 18:09:07 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622
Test results have been analysed with modified code:
M1615: B
M1619: A
Wed Mar 25 17:03:11 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test results have been analysed with modified code:
M1615: B
M1619: A
Wed Mar 25 14:44:37 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, RT of M1627 and M1628
Both modules graded A. |
Wed Mar 25 14:42:55 2020, danek kotlinski, Module transfer, modules 1545 & 1542 back from ETH
M1545 & M1542 were returned from ETH to PSI for further testing. |
Wed Mar 25 14:17:51 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1609, M1613, M1614, M1618 on Mar 23
FT for these modules has been done on Mar 23
M1609: C
M1613: C
Wed Mar 25 14:11:35 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, RT of M1613 and M1614 on Mar 20
Reception test for these modules have been done on Mar20.
Grading A for both modules. |
Tue Mar 24 16:08:58 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1625 failed Reception
M1625: all ROCs are programmable but no readout from ROC0-ROC3.
The same symptom as for M1623.
Visual inspection is OK.
Tue Mar 24 15:41:29 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Module grading, Change in MoreWeb GradingParameters.cfg
On March 3d the Vcal calibration parameter has been changed:
- StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor from 50 to 44 (electrons/VCal)
Tue Mar 24 15:20:18 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1623 failed Reception
M1623: all ROCs are programmable but no readout from ROC0-ROC3.
Visual inspection is OK.
To module doctor. |
Tue Mar 24 15:18:59 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1621 failed Reception
On M1621 ROC8 is not programmable. |
Tue Mar 24 15:16:56 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 8 HDIs tested on Mar 23
1014, 1016, 2001, 2003,
2004, 4013, 4015, 5014
All are good. |
Fri Mar 20 14:46:31 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1615 failed
M1615 is programmable but "no working phases found"
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
To module doctor! |
Sun Mar 22 14:05:20 2020, Danek Kotlinski, Reception test, M1615 failed
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]M1615 is programmable but "no working phases found"
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
To module doctor![/quote]
Fri Mar 20 14:53:52 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1616 failed
ROC10 of M1616 is not programmable, no readout from ROC10 and ROC11.
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK
To module doctor! |
Sun Mar 22 14:02:20 2020, Danek Kotlinski, Reception test, M1616 failed
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]ROC10 of M1616 is not programmable, no readout from ROC10 and ROC11.
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK
To module doctor![/quote]
Fri Mar 20 17:05:58 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, M1617 failed
ROC8 of M1617 is programmable but no readout from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of this module is broken,
this is exactly ROC8. |
Sun Mar 22 13:57:25 2020, Danek Kotlinski, Reception test, M1617 failed
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]ROC8 of M1617 is programmable but no readout from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of this module is broken,
this is exactly ROC8.[/quote]
Fri Mar 20 18:32:34 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1609-M1612
M1609 and M1611 are graded C
M1610 and M1612 are graded B
Fri Mar 20 18:09:47 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3 HDIs tested
5008 failed, but most likely die to the pin head mis-alignment. Test to be repeated.
5007 and 5008: passed tests but during HV measurements (-800V) with a multymeter I heard high frequency noise and instead of -800V measure either -100V
or -500V but the voltage jumped significantly. This effect is to be understood.
Thu Mar 19 18:01:50 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, FT of M1605-M1608
Only M1607 graded B. All others are graded C due to trimbit test.
M1606 should be looked carefully and may be retested since the threshold after trimming has strange features
(although not for all temperatures) that may mean that some trimbits really do not work.