ID |
Date |
Author |
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Subject |
Text |
Fri Mar 27 14:28:14 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1633 failed Reception | All ROCs are programmable but permanent DESERALISER
ERROR, Ch6 and Ch7 event ID mismatch.
Visual inspection is OK
Fri Mar 27 10:54:04 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Issues with pc11366 on March 27 | On March 27 I had a lot of troubles getting
the full qualification up
and running.
Thu Mar 26 17:45:15 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1545, M1557, M1627, M1628 | Retested M1545: C->B (to be correct on the
MoreWeb summary page)
Retested 1557: C->C in one ROC >160 pixels |
Thu Mar 26 17:43:06 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 6+1 HDI tested | HDIs: 6021, 3014, 2005, 2009, 2006 and 2010
are OK
HDI 6024 failed: SDA0 and SDA2 on Ch1 missing
Thu Mar 26 17:41:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1629-1632 | All modules M1629, M1630, M1631 and M1632
graded A |
Thu Mar 26 15:37:18 2020 |
Urs | Module grading | M1606 | attached find the threshold difference distributions
for all four trimbits for all ROCs |
Thu Mar 26 10:41:24 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module grading | M1606 | I have looked more closely at M1606.
Trimming show problems in ROC2, 8 pixels
have 0 threshold and for 61 pixels thr=-1.
Wed Mar 25 20:17:16 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module doctor | The list of modules tested today by Wolfram | M1542 nothing on sdata3 (12-15), bad output
or wire-bond
M1544 ROC15 timing off, can be made to |
Wed Mar 25 18:40:53 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1599, M1613, M1624, M1616 | M1599: B due to leakage current at +10 (2-3umA)
M1613: B due to a few pixels with bad trimmed
Wed Mar 25 18:31:46 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Reanalised test results | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test resulsts of
several modules have been re-analised without
grading on trimbit failure.
Wed Mar 25 18:30:23 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 4+2 HDI tested | 2 suspicious HDIs retested and found OK: 5006/5007
5013, 5016, 3017, 3019 are OK. |
Wed Mar 25 17:03:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test results have
been analysed with modified code:
M1615: B
Wed Mar 25 14:44:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1627 and M1628 | Both modules graded A. |
Wed Mar 25 14:42:55 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | modules 1545 & 1542 back from ETH | M1545 & M1542 were returned from ETH to PSI
for further testing. |
Wed Mar 25 14:17:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1609, M1613, M1614, M1618 on Mar 23 | FT for these modules has been done on Mar
M1609: C
Wed Mar 25 14:11:35 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1613 and M1614 on Mar 20 | Reception test for these modules have been
done on Mar20.
Grading A for both modules. |
Tue Mar 24 18:11:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Reanalised test results | Test resulsts of several modules have been
re-analised without grading on trimbit failure.
Tue Mar 24 18:09:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 | Test results have been analysed with modified
M1615: B
Tue Mar 24 16:08:58 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1625 failed Reception | M1625: all ROCs are programmable but no readout
from ROC0-ROC3.
The same symptom as for M1623.
Tue Mar 24 15:41:29 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module grading | Change in MoreWeb GradingParameters.cfg | On March 3d the Vcal calibration parameter
has been changed:
- StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor from |