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ID Date Author Category Subjectdown
  240   Thu Apr 30 15:16:58 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1540, M1541, M1543, M1547
Modules tested om April 29
M1540: Grade B due to many (>1000) pixels failed trimming but only 70 are in "C-zone" for ROC0 at -20C -> retest!!!
M1541: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1543: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC8 and 30+ damaged bumps in ROC14
M1547: Grade A

M1540 in C* tray for retest
  248   Mon May 4 14:18:20 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1540, 1549, 1571, 1598
M1540: Grade A
M1549: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC2 and 48 dead pixels in ROC5
M1571: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for many ROCs
M1598: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
  263   Tue May 12 13:29:27 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1539, M1582, M1606
M1539: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs
M1582: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs and at -20C 137 pixels in ROC1 failed trimming. For P5 could use older test results (trim parameters) of April 27 M20_1 when only 23 pixels in ROC1 failed trimming
M1606: Grade C due to 161 pixels failed trimming in ROC2 and total # of defects in this ROC 169. For P5 could use older test results (trim parameters) of March 19 M20_2 when only 36 pixels in ROC2 failed trimming or April 6 when 40 pixels failed (at all T this test has the best performance).
  238   Wed Apr 29 14:08:42 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1536, M1537, M1538
M1536: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC1
M1537: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1538: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and trimming failure for 70 pixels in ROC14 at -20C
  162   Tue Mar 31 08:21:39 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of 1558, 1606, 1634, 1636 on Mar 30
M1558: B
M1606: C again due to trimmed threshold for 189 pixels of ROC2 at -20C. Second time at -20C and at +10C the number of failed pixels is 90+, hence grading is B.
We could manually upgrade this module to B.
M1634: A
M1636: A
  77   Sun Feb 9 19:34:55 2020 Dinko FerencekFull testFT for 4 modules: 1557, 1558, 1559, 1560

1557: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits, failed trimming and mean noise >300e in ROC 4. IV: 0.20 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1558: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits in ROCs 2 and 12, mean noise just above 300e for ROC 2, possibly C* module. IV: 0.27 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
1559: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.23 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1560: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.24 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
  73   Sat Feb 8 20:48:11 2020 Dinko FerencekFull testFT for 4 modules: 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553

1550: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.45 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1551: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits in ROC 13, but trimmed Vcal threshold distribution and distribution of trim bits look OK. IV: 0.33 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
==> Manually regraded to B
1552: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.23 uA at +10 C, slope 1.10
1553: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs, double-column readout problem in ROC 11 (see attached plot). IV: 0.41 uA at +10 C, slope 1.70

Chiller operational procedures:
Chiller temperature set and kept at 3.5 C throughout the entire test. This was done after observing that during tests at +10 C and with the chiller left at +3.5 C, the Peltiers were mostly inactive and there was no excessive heating occurring. This seems to suggest that the coolant temperature at +3.5 C is a good balance against the ambient temperature and heat produced by working modules to keep the temperature at +10 C. The temperature history plot is attached.
  72   Fri Feb 7 20:35:44 2020 Dinko FerencekFull testFT for 4 modules: 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549

1545: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). Problematic ROC 14: mean noise >320e, many dead trimbits, wide trimmed Vcal threshold distribution. IV: 0.20 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1547: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.41 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1548: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.13 uA at +10 C, slope 1.10
1549: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.33 uA at +10 C, slope 1.12

Chiller operational procedures:
Chiller temperature was initially set to 4 C and the coldbox was able to reach -19.7 C which is within the require 0.5 C margin and the Fulltest could start. About 1 hours into the Fulltest, it was observed that the coldbox temperature rose to 19.0 C. At that point the chiller temperature was lowered to 3.5 C and the coldbox was able to lower and keep the temperature in the -19.2 to -19.3 C range. Once the test at -20 C were done, for the Fulltest and IV at +10 C the chiller temperature was initially raised to +11 C and after about one hour (midway through the Fulltest), it was lowered to +10 C because at one point the coolant temperature rose to +13 C. The temperature history plot is attached.
  74   Sun Feb 9 10:52:17 2020 Dinko FerencekFull testFT for 4 modules: 1539, 1554, 1555, 1556

1539: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.17 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1554: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.44 uA at +10 C, slope 1.80
1555: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.99 uA at +10 C, slope 1.30
1556: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.87 uA at +10 C, slope 1.67
  84   Fri Feb 14 09:48:27 2020 Dinko FerencekFull testFT for 12 modules: 1561-1576 (1563, 1567, 1572, 1575 excluded)
Feb. 11

1561: C/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits in ROC 6, but trimmed Vcal threshold distribution and distribution of trim bits look OK. IV: 0.26 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
==> Manually regraded to B
1562: TEST INCOMPLETE: pXar crashed during 2nd Fulltest@-20 (m20_2). For more details, see here.
1564: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.78 uA at +10 C, slope 2.25

Feb. 12

1562: C/C/C (-20/-20/+10). TEST INCOMPLETE: SCurves test failed for all ROCs in all 3 Fulltests with the following error message
ERROR: <> no scurve result histograms received?!
Trimming does not work in ROC 2.
1565: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.39 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
1566: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.37 uA at +10 C, slope 1.07
1568: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.13 uA at +10 C, slope 1.15
1569: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.16 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1570: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.18 uA at +10 C, slope 1.08
1571: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.43 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09

Feb. 13

1573: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.25 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
1574: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs, problems with bump bonding and trimming in ROCs 1 and 2. IV: 0.46 uA at +10 C, slope 2.14
1576: B/B/B (-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade B due to mean noise >200e for some ROCs. IV: 0.23 uA at +10 C, slope 1.09
  42   Fri Nov 29 17:06:26 2019 Dinko FerencekGeneralDropbox folder on CERNBox set up
A dropbox folder for elComandante tar files was set up in my CERNBox and synchronized with the following local folder on the lab PC


Note that the following link in the home folder


points to


so an alternative path is


The CERNBox client was installed on the lab PC following instructions for Ubuntu at
  293   Sun Jul 5 13:20:55 2020 Dinko FerencekGeneralDisk cleanup on the lab PC (
Home folder was cleaned up by deleting old pXar output .log and .root files. The full list is in the attached file. This released around 11 GB of disk space.

In addition, the following MoReWeb output folders which are no longer needed were deleted


This released around 805 MB of disk space.
  307   Mon Jan 18 13:53:44 2021 Andrey StarodumovOtherDTB tests
--->DTB 154 (one of the red cold box setup):
- flat cable (with HV):
clk low = -231.0 mV high= 212.0 mV amplitude = 443.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -246.0 mV high= 235.0 mV amplitude = 481.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -250.0 mV high= 223.0 mV amplitude = 473.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -65.0 mV high= 48.0 mV amplitude = 113.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -171.0 mV high= 155.0 mV amplitude = 326.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -173.0 mV high= 149.0 mV amplitude = 322.0 mVpp (differential)

- twisted pairs cable:
several ERRORS during VthrCompCalDel and PixelAlive: ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (119) != TBM ID (120)
clk low = -196.0 mV high= 177.0 mV amplitude = 373.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -245.0 mV high= 236.0 mV amplitude = 481.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -249.0 mV high= 224.0 mV amplitude = 473.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -65.0 mV high= 55.0 mV amplitude = 120.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -120.0 mV high= 101.0 mV amplitude = 221.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -124.0 mV high= 102.0 mV amplitude = 226.0 mVpp (differential)

GOOD with flat cable but r/o ERRORs with twisted pairs cable

--->DTB 126 twisted pairs cable:
VthrCompCalDel test: many errors like
ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (68) != TBM ID (69),
test not converged!
clk low = -193.0 mV high= 181.0 mV amplitude = 374.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -252.0 mV high= 242.0 mV amplitude = 494.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -243.0 mV high= 227.0 mV amplitude = 470.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -67.0 mV high= 47.0 mV amplitude = 114.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -122.0 mV high= 103.0 mV amplitude = 225.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -120.0 mV high= 107.0 mV amplitude = 227.0 mVpp (differential)


--->DTB 140
VthrCompCalDel test: many errors like
ERROR:[14:19:38.397] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:19:38.398] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (4) != TBM ID (5)
test not converged!
clk low = -194.0 mV high= 184.0 mV amplitude = 378.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -248.0 mV high= 248.0 mV amplitude = 496.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -231.0 mV high= 230.0 mV amplitude = 461.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -67.0 mV high= 56.0 mV amplitude = 123.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -123.0 mV high= 98.0 mV amplitude = 221.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -117.0 mV high= 109.0 mV amplitude = 226.0 mVpp (differential)


--->DTB 172
VthrCompCalDel and PixelAlive tests: many errors like
[14:23:49.222] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:23:49.222] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (192) != TBM ID (193)
[14:24:19.902] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:24:19.902] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (72) != TBM ID (73)
but converged!

DTB WORKS but with ERRORs!!!

--->DTB 139
VthrCompCalDel and PixelAlive tests: many errors like
[14:29:57.160] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:29:57.160] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (159) != TBM ID (160)
and inefficient tornados for ROC8-15
PixelAlive: zero efficiency for all ROCs and many errors

[14:31:25.335] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:31:25.335] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (61) != TBM ID (63)
clk low = -191.0 mV high= 194.0 mV amplitude = 385.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -248.0 mV high= 254.0 mV amplitude = 502.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -239.0 mV high= 237.0 mV amplitude = 476.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -50.0 mV high= 66.0 mV amplitude = 116.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -114.0 mV high= 113.0 mV amplitude = 227.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -111.0 mV high= 116.0 mV amplitude = 227.0 mVpp (differential)


--->DTB 94
VthrCompCalDel and PixelAlive tests: many errors like
[14:38:28.017] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:38:28.017] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (133) != TBM ID (134)
and inefficient tornados for all ROC
PixelAlive: zero efficiency for all ROCs and many errors


--->DTB 65:
[14:44:25.326] ERROR: <> analog current reading unphysical
[14:44:25.326] ERROR: <> digital current reading unphysical


---> DTB 136 (from my drawer)
[14:47:23.231] ERROR: <> Testboard not initialized yet!
[14:47:23.231] ERROR: <> analog current reading unphysical
[14:47:23.231] ERROR: <> digital current reading unphysical


---> DTB 63 (from my drawer)
clk low = -148.0 mV high= 175.0 mV amplitude = 323.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -245.0 mV high= 230.0 mV amplitude = 475.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -251.0 mV high= 225.0 mV amplitude = 476.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -61.0 mV high= 60.0 mV amplitude = 121.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -121.0 mV high= 101.0 mV amplitude = 222.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -124.0 mV high= 102.0 mV amplitude = 226.0 mVpp (differential)

VERY GOOD DTB: no errors with twisted pairs cable!!!

---> DTB 162 (from my drawer)
VthrComp test: many errors like
[14:54:07.161] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:54:07.161] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (195) != TBM ID (196)
[14:54:07.162] ERROR: <> Channel 3 Event ID mismatch: local ID (195) != TBM ID (196)
[14:54:07.162] WARNING: Channel 2 ROC 0: Readback start marker after 15 readouts!
and inefficient tornados for ROC8-15

many errors like
[14:55:27.941] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[14:55:27.941] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (193) != TBM ID (194)
[14:55:27.941] ERROR: <> Channel 3 Event ID mismatch: local ID (193) != TBM ID (194)
[14:55:27.941] WARNING: Channel 2 ROC 0: Readback start marker after 29 readouts!
and inneficient maps for ROC8-15

clk low = -197.0 mV high= 178.0 mV amplitude = 375.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -255.0 mV high= 236.0 mV amplitude = 491.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -245.0 mV high= 230.0 mV amplitude = 475.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -72.0 mV high= 49.0 mV amplitude = 121.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -124.0 mV high= 97.0 mV amplitude = 221.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -125.0 mV high= 102.0 mV amplitude = 227.0 mVpp (differential)

WORKS but with ERRORS!!!

---> DTB 170 (from my drawer)
VthrComp test: many errors like
[15:04:20.259] WARNING: Detected DESER400 trailer error bits: "CODE ERROR"
[15:04:20.259] ERROR: <> Channel 2 Event ID mismatch: local ID (30) != TBM ID (31)
test mot converged!


--->DTB 18 (fixed on the red cold box setup):
clk low = -203.0 mV high= 187.0 mV amplitude = 390.0 mVpp (differential)
ctr low = -252.0 mV high= 236.0 mV amplitude = 488.0 mVpp (differential)
sda low = -248.0 mV high= 230.0 mV amplitude = 478.0 mVpp (differential)
rda low = -60.0 mV high= 48.0 mV amplitude = 108.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata1 low = -114.0 mV high= 111.0 mV amplitude = 225.0 mVpp (differential)
sdata2 low = -120.0 mV high= 109.0 mV amplitude = 229.0 mVpp (differential)

VERY GOOD DTB: no errors with twisted pairs cable!!!
  17   Thu Sep 26 22:09:14 2019 Dinko FerencekSoftwareDAC configuration update
In accordance with the agreement made in an email thread initiated by Danek, the following changes to DAC settings for ROCs

vsh: 30 -> 8
vclorbias: 30 -> 120
ctrlreg: 0 -> 9

were propagated into existing configuration files in


on the lab PC at PSI.

It should be noted that ctrlreg was changed to the recommended value for PROC V3. For PROC V4 ctrlreg needs to be set to 17 so this is important to keep in mind when using configuration files and modules built using different versions of PROC.
  254   Thu May 7 00:27:41 2020 Dinko FerencekModule gradingComment about TrimBitDifference and its impact on the Trim Bit Test
To expand on the following elog, on Mar. 24 Andrey changed the TrimBitDifference parameter in Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg from 2 to -2
$ diff Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg.default Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg
< TrimBitDifference = 2.
> TrimBitDifference = -2.

From the way this parameter is used here, one can see from this line that setting the TrimBitDifference to any negative value effectively turns off the test.

More details about problems with the Trim Bit Test can be found in this elog.
  286   Fri Jun 5 16:22:19 2020 Andrey StarodumovGeneralCleaning L1_DATA directory
To be able to analyse Xray data and keep Total Production overview in a proper state we need to clean L1_DATA directory.
1) if one analyse Xray test results with flag -new, then all deleted with -d flag tests will be analysed again and Total production overview will have problems
2) if one analyse Xray test results with flag -m, then, first, it's very time consuming and, second, again all tests of this module will be analysed and again this module in total production overview will not have information and hence not ranged.

leave only directories with relevant tests: one from cold box test and one from Xray tests.

I also started to remove directories with Reception test.

This should be completed next week of June 8th.
  198   Wed Apr 8 15:02:37 2020 Andrey StarodumovSoftwareChange of CrtlReg for RT
So far in a blue box for RT tbm10d_procv3 parameters were used.
This is wrong, since CtrlReg=9 is better for -20C while for +10 or higher T
CtrlReg=17 is better.
From now on for RT tbm10d_procv4 will be used.
  112   Wed Mar 18 15:16:47 2020 Andrey StarodumovSoftwareChange in trimmig algorithm
Urs yesterday modified the algorithm and tested it. From today we are using it. Main change that threshold for trimming is not any more fixed to VthrComp=79 but calculated based on the bottom tornado value + 20. CalDel is also optimised. This allows us to avoid failures in the trimbit tests due to too high threshold, eg if the bottom of tornado close to 70 a fraction of pixels in a chip could have threshold above 70 and hence fail in the test.
  273   Mon May 25 17:24:05 2020 Andrey StarodumovSoftwareChange in MoreWeb
In file
~/L1_SW/MoReWeb/Analyse/TestResultClasses/CMSPixel/QualificationGroup/XRayHRQualification$ emacs Chips/Chip/ColumnUniformityPerColumn/
the high and low rates at which double column uniformity is checked are hard coded. Rates for L2 was there. Now correction is added:
# Layer2 settings
# HitRateHigh = 150
# HitRateLow = 50
# Layer1 settings
HitRateHigh = 250
HitRateLow = 150
  129   Tue Mar 24 15:41:29 2020 Andrey StarodumovModule gradingChange in MoreWeb GradingParameters.cfg
On March 3d the Vcal calibration parameter has been changed:
- StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor from 50 to 44 (electrons/VCal)

Om March 24 the following changes done:
- trimThr from 35 to 50 (to synchronize with current target trimming threshold of Vcal=50)
- TrimBitDifference from 2. to -2. This means that difference between trimmed and untrimmed
threshold close to 0 (<2 as it was) will be ignored.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898