Mon Feb 3 15:35:09 2020, Anrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT: 1539, 1541,1542, 1543
[COLOR=blue]Jan 29[/COLOR]
- Reception test for 1539 OK
- Cap gluing
Mon Feb 3 11:28:38 2020, Anrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT: 1536, 1537,1538, 1540
[COLOR=blue]Jan 28[/COLOR]: Reception test for 1536, 1537, 1538 OK
Then cap gluing
[COLOR=blue]Jan 29[/COLOR]
Mon Dec 2 17:29:06 2019, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT
FullQualification of four modules M1526, M1529, M1521 and M1534 has been done. Full time of the test is about 5.5hrs.
Test included: FT@-20C, IV@-20, 3Cycles from -20C up to +10C, FT@10C and IV@10C.
Only M1521 passed the test (Grade B). Several issues observed in other modules:
Tue Dec 3 12:15:54 2019, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 modules FT
[quote="Andrey Starodumov"]FullQualification of four modules M1526, M1529, M1521 and M1534 has been done. Full time of the test is about 5.5hrs.
Test included: FT@-20C, IV@-20, 3Cycles from -20C up to +10C, FT@10C and IV@10C.
Only M1521 passed the test (Grade B). Several issues observed in other modules:
Fri Mar 27 18:28:34 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Full test, 4 HDIs tested
HDIs 5020, 5018, 1044 and 1041 are OK |
Mon Apr 20 17:09:12 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 4 HDIs tested
After staying in 90%+ RH 2 HDIs became flat. The first one was easy to mount on an HDI holder.
But after 1-2hrs the second HDI became bent again, but still remained flexible, so was also easy to mount.
I put 2 more HDIs in the same conditions and after 2 hrs was able to mount and test them.
Thu Apr 23 18:01:16 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 4 HDIs tested
The following HDIs are tested:
6007: OK
1034: Failed due to not working Channel 1 in CLK0, CTR0, SDA0 and SDA1
Thu Apr 9 17:43:54 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 4 HDIa tested
HDIs 3029, 3031, 3032, 4042 passed tests. All OK. |
Mon Mar 30 17:40:35 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3+2 HDIs (re-)tested
For 3 HDIs: 3014, 3017, 6021, HV has been re-measured. In all cases 790V is measured with 800V supplied.
2 HDIs: 1026, 5022 were tested. Both OK.
All 5 HDIs will be used in module assembly. |
Fri Mar 20 18:09:47 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3 HDIs tested
5008 failed, but most likely die to the pin head mis-alignment. Test to be repeated.
5007 and 5008: passed tests but during HV measurements (-800V) with a multymeter I heard high frequency noise and instead of -800V measure either -100V
or -500V but the voltage jumped significantly. This effect is to be understood.
Fri Apr 24 13:56:11 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3 HDIs tested
Following HDIs tested from the box "to be understood":
5021, 3019, 5008. All are fine. |
Mon Apr 27 14:21:17 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3 HDIs tested
# remaining HDIs from "to be understood" box were tested after flattening them during weekend in RH=99.9% box.
6024, 4034 are OK
1039 bad: no data from A1 and A2 DTB outputs, flat output |
Tue Mar 31 18:14:47 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 3 HDI tested
HDIs: 1027, 5002, 5003 are tested. All OK. |
Mon Feb 3 17:09:36 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Reception test, 2 modules RT failed: 1544, 1546
[COLOR=blue]Feb 03[/COLOR]
- RT failed
-- 1544:
Fri Apr 3 18:06:11 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 2 HDIs tested
HDIs 6018 and 6019 are passed tests. |
Thu Jun 4 15:32:50 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Module transfer, 18 Modules shipped to PSI
Quick check: Leakage current, set Vana, VthrCompCalDel and PixelAlive
Thu May 28 14:38:43 2020, Andrey Starodumov, Module transfer, 18 Modules shipped to ETHZ
1536, 1537, 1539, 1540, 1541,
1543, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1550,
1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1565,
Mon May 11 21:41:15 2020, Dinko Ferencek, Software, 17 to 10 C changes in the production overview page
[URL=]0c513ab8[/URL]: a few more updates on the main production
overview page related to the 17 to 10 C change |
Wed Apr 22 17:28:42 2020, Andrey Starodumov, HDI test, 11 HDIs tested
After keeping HDIs in a very high RH for a dew hours (24 is fine) became flat and could be fixed on HDI holder by vacuum.
11 HDIs were tested, all good:
3036, 3043, 3034, 3044, 1034, 6006, 6007, 6005,
Mon Oct 28 17:01:05 2019, Matej Roguljic, Software, Investigating the bug with the Keithley client
We took module 1529 and tried recreating the issue observed in the beginning of October. To do this in a reasonable amount of time, a "shorttest" procedure
was defined which consists only of pretest and pixelalive. Three runs were taken