CMS Pixel Detector Miscellaneous
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Layer 1 Replacement Layers 2-4
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Entry  Fri May 15 17:15:34 2020, Andrey Starodumov, XRay HR tests, Analysis of HRT: M1630, M1632, M1636, M1638 
Krunal proved test result of four modules and Dinko analised them.
M1630: Grade A, VCal calibration: Slope=43.5e-/Vcal, Offset=-145.4e-
M1632: Grade A, VCal calibration: Slope=45.4e-/Vcal, Offset=-290.8e-
M1636: Grade A, VCal calibration: Slope=45.9e-/Vcal, Offset=-255.2e-
M1638: Grade A, VCal calibration: Slope=43.3e-/Vcal, Offset=-183.1e-

A few comments:
1) Rates. One should distinguish X-rays rate and the hit rate seen/measured by a ROC (as correctly Maren mentioned).
X-rays rate vs tube current has been calibrated and the histogramm titles roughly reflect the X-rays rate. One could notice that
number of hits per pixel, again roughly, scaled with the X-rays rate (histo title)
2) M1638 ROC7 and ROC10 show that we see new pixel failures that were not observed in cold box tests. In this case it's not critical, since only
65/25 pixels are not responcive already at lowest rate. But we may have cases with more not responcive pixels.
3) M1638 ROC0: number of defects in cold box test is 3 but with Xrays in the summary table it's only 1. At the same time if one looks at ROC0
summary page in all Efficiency Maps and even in Hit Maps one could see 3 not responcive pixels. We should check in MoreWeb why it's so.
4) It's not critical but it would be good to understand why "col uniformity ratio" histogramm is not filled properly. This check has been introduced
to identify cases when a column performace degrades with hit rate.
5) PROCV4 is not so noisy as PROCV2, but nevertheless I think we should introduce a proper cut on a pixel noise value and activate grading on
the total number of noisy pixels in a ROC (in MoreWeb). For a given threshold and acceptable noise rate one can calculate, pixels with noise
above which level should be counted as defective.
Entry  Fri May 22 16:06:43 2020, Andrey Starodumov, XRay HR tests, Analysis of HRT: M1623, M1632, M1634, M1636-M1639,M1640 
Module HRtest VCal calibration Grade
#defects max #noisy pix
ColdBox XRay
M1623 130 151 91 45xVCal-67e- B
M1630 80 1 385 43xVcal-290e- A
M1632 14 9 124 45xVcal-145e- A
M1634 33 81 339 43xVcal-347e- B
M1636 10 14 109 46xVcal-255e- A
M1637 71 45 175 45xVcal-182e- A
M1638 12 95 269 43xVcal-183e- B
M1639 21 96 482 43xVcal-441e- B
M1640 30 22 115 44xVcal-134e- A
Entry  Mon May 25 16:58:23 2020, Andrey Starodumov, XRay HR tests, a few commments 
These is just to record the information:
1. measured hit rates at which Efficiency and Xray hits Maps are taken are 40-50% of the 50-400MHz/cm2 that in the titles of corresponding plots
2. in 2016 the maximum rate was 400MHz/cm2 but with such rate (or better corresponding settings of HV and current of Xray tube) in double columns of certain modules (likely depending on a module position with respect to Xray beam spot) the measured rate was smaller than 300MHz/cm2 that is target rate. Somtimes extrapolation of efficiency curve to 300MHz/cm2 is too large. I think this is not correct. Unfortunately higher rates cause too many readout errors that prevent a proper measurement of the hit efficiency. May be a new DTB with than 1.2A maximum digital current will help.
Entry  Fri May 29 15:04:04 2020, Andrey Starodumov, XRay HR tests, Analysis of HRT: M1555-M1561 and M1564 
Module HRtest VCal calibration Grade
#defects max #noisy pix
ColdBox XRay
M1555: 24 44 375 44xVcal-388e- A
M1556: 54 74 507 43xVcal-370e- B
M1557: 109 63 145 43xVcal-216e- A
M1558: 127 113 103 44xVcal-145e- B
M1559: 69 59 92 46xVcal-119e- A
M1560: 35 54 66 46xVcal-123e- A
M1561: 33 44 129 45xVcal-244e- A
M1564: 26 36 93 47xVcal- 29e- A
Entry  Fri Aug 28 12:02:48 2020, Andrey Starodumov, XRay HR tests, M1599 
ROC5 has eff=93.65% and should be graded C. Somehow efficiency was not taken into account for HR test grading???
Entry  Tue Aug 6 16:01:17 2019, Matej Roguljic, Software, Wrong dac settings - elComandante 
If it seems that elComandante is taking wrong dac settings for tests like Reception test or full qualification, one should remember that it does NOT read values from module specific folders like "M1523", but rather from tbm-specific folders like "tbm10d". The folders from which the dacs are taken are listed in "elComandante.config", the lines which look like "tbm10d:tbm10d".
Entry  Thu Sep 26 15:51:30 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, pXar code updated 
pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on the lab PC was updated yesterday from to the latest version which among other things contains updated DAC settings for ROCs.

All the configs will have to be regenerated before the start of the module qualification.
Entry  Thu Sep 26 22:09:14 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, DAC configuration update 
In accordance with the agreement made in an email thread initiated by Danek, the following changes to DAC settings for ROCs

vsh: 30 -> 8
vclorbias: 30 -> 120
ctrlreg: 0 -> 9

were propagated into existing configuration files in


on the lab PC at PSI.

It should be noted that ctrlreg was changed to the recommended value for PROC V3. For PROC V4 ctrlreg needs to be set to 17 so this is important to keep in mind when using configuration files and modules built using different versions of PROC.
Entry  Wed Oct 2 12:50:52 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification 
Full qualification was attempted for M1532 on Oct. 1. After the second Fulltest at -20 C finished, the Keitley client crashed with the following error
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 147, in check_busy
  File "/home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/keithleyClient/", line 139, in check_busy
    if data[0] == '\x11': # XON
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

Because of this, the IV measurement never started (the main elComandante process was simply hanging and waiting for the Keithley client to report it's ready) and the main elComandante process had to be interrupted.
    Reply  Sat Oct 5 22:59:58 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification 
A new attempt to run the full qualification for M1532 was made on Friday, Oct. 4, but the Keithely client crashed with the same error message. This time we managed to see from log files that the crash happened after the first IV measurement at -20 C was complete and Keithley was reset to -150 V. Unfortunately, the log files were now saved for the test on Tuesday so we couldn't confirm that the crash occurred at the same point.
Entry  Mon Oct 28 17:01:05 2019, Matej Roguljic, Software, Investigating the bug with the Keithley client 
We took module 1529 and tried recreating the issue observed in the beginning of October. To do this in a reasonable amount of time, a "shorttest" procedure was defined which consists only of pretest and pixelalive. Three runs were taken

Run number 1: Shorttest@10,IV@10
Run number 2: Shorttest@10, IV@10,Cycle(n=1, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10
Run number 3: Shorttest@10, IV@10, Cycle(n=5, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10

In runs 1 and 2, IV was done from -5 to -155 in steps of 10
In run 3, IV was done from -5 to -405 in steps of 10

No issues were observed during the tests themselves.

Running MoReWeb shows the Temperature, Humidity and Sum of Currents plots while individual tests show only Pixel Alive map. IV plot is missing in the MoReWeb output, however, it is present in the ivCurve.log file. Tried investigating why IV is not shown, but couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Tomorrow we'll use M1529 and M1530 in a FullTest to check if the problem would appear.
    Reply  Tue Oct 29 16:38:32 2019, Matej Roguljic, Software, Investigating the bug with the Keithley client 

Matej Roguljic wrote:
We took module 1529 and tried recreating the issue observed in the beginning of October. To do this in a reasonable amount of time, a "shorttest" procedure was defined which consists only of pretest and pixelalive. Three runs were taken

Run number 1: Shorttest@10,IV@10
Run number 2: Shorttest@10, IV@10,Cycle(n=1, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10
Run number 3: Shorttest@10, IV@10, Cycle(n=5, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10

In runs 1 and 2, IV was done from -5 to -155 in steps of 10
In run 3, IV was done from -5 to -405 in steps of 10

No issues were observed during the tests themselves.

Running MoReWeb shows the Temperature, Humidity and Sum of Currents plots while individual tests show only Pixel Alive map. IV plot is missing in the MoReWeb output, however, it is present in the ivCurve.log file. Tried investigating why IV is not shown, but couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Tomorrow we'll use M1529 and M1530 in a FullTest to check if the problem would appear.

M1530 was put in the coldbox and qualification was started, but the pxar output was full of deserializer errors. The continuous stream of errors made the log file pretty large and slowed down the execution of the qualification so it was aborted. Later it was noticed that there are green depositions on the module like it was on the HDIs irradiated at 60Co facility in Zagreb which is probably why there were so many errors.

M1521 was used instead of M1530 along with M1529. Full qualification was launched around 11:00.
    Reply  Wed Oct 30 16:54:58 2019, Matej Roguljic, Software, Investigating the bug with the Keithley client 

Matej Roguljic wrote:

Matej Roguljic wrote:
We took module 1529 and tried recreating the issue observed in the beginning of October. To do this in a reasonable amount of time, a "shorttest" procedure was defined which consists only of pretest and pixelalive. Three runs were taken

Run number 1: Shorttest@10,IV@10
Run number 2: Shorttest@10, IV@10,Cycle(n=1, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10
Run number 3: Shorttest@10, IV@10, Cycle(n=5, between 10 and -10), Shorttest@10, IV@10

In runs 1 and 2, IV was done from -5 to -155 in steps of 10
In run 3, IV was done from -5 to -405 in steps of 10

No issues were observed during the tests themselves.

Running MoReWeb shows the Temperature, Humidity and Sum of Currents plots while individual tests show only Pixel Alive map. IV plot is missing in the MoReWeb output, however, it is present in the ivCurve.log file. Tried investigating why IV is not shown, but couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Tomorrow we'll use M1529 and M1530 in a FullTest to check if the problem would appear.

M1530 was put in the coldbox and qualification was started, but the pxar output was full of deserializer errors. The continuous stream of errors made the log file pretty large and slowed down the execution of the qualification so it was aborted. Later it was noticed that there are green depositions on the module like it was on the HDIs irradiated at 60Co facility in Zagreb which is probably why there were so many errors.

M1521 was used instead of M1530 along with M1529. Full qualification was launched around 11:00. It ended around 6:30 without any issues.

Running full qualification on 30.10. in the morning on modules 1510, 1529, 1521. Fourth module was not included since there was an issue with the 4th DTB which will be investigated late. Like the previous day, the qualification ended around 17:00 without issues. In conclusion, the issue is not present in the qualification setup at the moment.
Entry  Wed Nov 27 18:25:08 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, pXar code updated 
pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on the lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov. 25 from to which pulled in the latest updates to the pulse height optimization test. Today a few remaining updates were pulled in by going to the current HEAD of the master branch

The sequence of commands to update the code was the following:
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/
git pull origin master
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6 install
Entry  Wed Nov 27 21:50:02 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules 
Due to different DAC settings needed for PROC V3 and V4, a single folder containing module configuration files cannot cover both ROC types. To address this problem, the existing folder 'tbm10d' in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/data/ containing configuration for PROC V4 was renamed to 'tbm10d_procv4' and a new folder for PROC V3, 'tbm10d_procv3', was created. For backward compatibility, a symbolic link 'tbm10d' was created that points to 'tbm10d_procv4'.

The difference in the configurations is in the CtrlReg DAC value which is 9 for V3 and 17 for V4.

The following lines were also added in the [defaultParameters] section in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/config/elComandante.conf

tbm10d_procv3: tbm10d_procv3
tbm10d_procv4: tbm10d_procv4
    Reply  Thu Nov 28 18:23:31 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules 

Dinko Ferencek wrote:
Due to different DAC settings needed for PROC V3 and V4, a single folder containing module configuration files cannot cover both ROC types. To address this problem, the existing folder 'tbm10d' in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/data/ containing configuration for PROC V4 was renamed to 'tbm10d_procv4' and a new folder for PROC V3, 'tbm10d_procv3', was created. For backward compatibility, a symbolic link 'tbm10d' was created that points to 'tbm10d_procv4'.

The difference in the configurations is in the CtrlReg DAC value which is 9 for V3 and 17 for V4.

The following lines were also added in the [defaultParameters] section in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/config/elComandante.conf

tbm10d_procv3: tbm10d_procv3
tbm10d_procv4: tbm10d_procv4

Since the new PH optimization code was added under the already existing PH test, the old configuration files would have to be updated to have the correct parameter values set for the expanded PH test. For this purpose, the old configuration folders were renamed

tbm10d_procv3 --> tbm10d_procv3_old
tbm10d_procv4 --> tbm10d_procv4_old

and new configuration files were re-generated from scratch

./mkConfig -d ../data/tbm10d_procv3 -t TBM10D -r proc600v3 -m
./mkConfig -d ../data/tbm10d_procv4 -t TBM10D -r proc600v4 -m

In addition, in both sets of configurations files, the configuration for the BB2 tab in the pXar GUI was moved from moreTestParameters.dat to testParameters.dat to have the BB2 tab available by default when starting pXar using these configuration files.
    Reply  Thu Nov 28 18:34:00 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, pXar code updated 

Dinko Ferencek wrote:
pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on the lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov. 25 from to which pulled in the latest updates to the pulse height optimization test. Today a few remaining updates were pulled in by going to the current HEAD of the master branch

The sequence of commands to update the code was the following:
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/
git pull origin master
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6 install

pXar code updated to the current HEAD of the master branch to pick up the latest update that allows running of the fullTest() method of each of the tests from the command line and consequently also from elComandante.
Entry  Thu Nov 28 18:58:30 2019, Dinko Ferencek, Software, Updated Fulltest configuration 
The Fulltest definition used on the lab PC and stored in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/config/tests/Fulltest had the following content


where FullTest is defined in For added flexibility, we would like to have individual tests specified in the definition file. However, by default this implies calling the doTest() method for each of the tests while FullTest actually calls the fullTest() method. For Scurves and GainPedestal the two methods are distinct. After the latest updates from Urs to the pXar code, we are now able to change the definition to


Note that readback was placed first because in the past it was observed that pXar had a tendency to crash when this test was run last.
    Reply  Mon Jan 20 13:47:33 2020, Dinko Ferencek, Software, pXar code updated 

Dinko Ferencek wrote:

Dinko Ferencek wrote:
pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on the lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov. 25 from to which pulled in the latest updates to the pulse height optimization test. Today a few remaining updates were pulled in by going to the current HEAD of the master branch

The sequence of commands to update the code was the following:
cd /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/
git pull origin master
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6 install

pXar code updated to the current HEAD of the master branch to pick up the latest update that allows running of the fullTest() method of each of the tests from the command line and consequently also from elComandante.

pXar code updated to the current HEAD of the master branch to pick up the latest PH optimization updates.
Entry  Wed Jan 22 11:39:48 2020, Dinko Ferencek, Software, BB2 configuration 
When attempting to run the FullQualification this morning, pXar crashed while running the BB2 test. After some investigation, we realized the source of the problem was the BB2 configuration missing from testParameters.dat. The configuration is available in moreTestParameters.dat but by default the mkConfig script does not put it in testParameters.dat. Since we run BB2 in the FullQualification, the configuration needs to be copied by hand every time the configuration files are regenerated.
ELOG V3.1.3-7933898