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ID Date Author Categorydown Subject
  225   Wed Apr 22 17:41:11 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653

Andrey Starodumov wrote:

M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC11,14,15. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1554: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC9,13. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used module was graded B, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1555: Grade B due to 75 pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC10. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1653: Grade B due to >1% (~50) pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC5,12.

Repeat test with CtrlReg=9. ONLY 2 TESTs: -20C, IV@-20C (upto 205V), +10C,IV@+10C (up to 205V)

Warning: at +10C the total leakage current of all modules = 9.7umA!? From yesterday the IV curves: each single module had the current less 0.5-1umA
M1542: Grade B due failure of 41 pixels in trimming of ROC6 at -20C. Grading at+10C is A!
M1554: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC14 at both temperatures
M1555: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in 2 ROC at both temperatures
M1653: Grade B due failure of 45 pixels in trimming of ROC12 and mean noise >200e in ROC0 at both temperatures
  226   Thu Apr 23 13:34:52 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653

Andrey Starodumov wrote:

Andrey Starodumov wrote:

M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC11,14,15. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1554: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC9,13. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used module was graded B, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1555: Grade B due to 75 pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC10. There was no such problem at previous test when CtrlReg=9 was used, while for the present test CtrlReg=17 was used
M1653: Grade B due to >1% (~50) pixels had trimming failures at -20C in ROC5,12.

Repeat test with CtrlReg=9. ONLY 2 TESTs: -20C, IV@-20C (upto 205V), +10C,IV@+10C (up to 205V)

Warning: at +10C the total leakage current of all modules = 9.7umA!? From yesterday the IV curves: each single module had the current less 0.5-1umA
M1542: Grade B due failure of 41 pixels in trimming of ROC6 at -20C. Grading at+10C is A!
M1554: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC14 at both temperatures
M1555: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in 2 ROC at both temperatures
M1653: Grade B due failure of 45 pixels in trimming of ROC12 and mean noise >200e in ROC0 at both temperatures

According to IV curves currents at 150V are: 0.27umA, 0.44umA, 0.49umA, 0.16umA.
  227   Thu Apr 23 13:37:29 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1556, M1557, M1559, M1560
M1556: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise >200e
M1557: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise >200e and trimming failed for 60 pixel in ROC4 at -20C
M1559: Grade A
M1560: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise >200e
  228   Thu Apr 23 17:26:51 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1561, M1564, M1565, M1566
M1561: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise >200e
M1564: Grade B due to two ROCs mean noise >200e
M1565: Grade B due to two ROCs mean noise >200e
M1566: Grade B due to two ROCs mean noise >200e
  231   Fri Apr 24 13:59:43 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1568, M1569, M1570, M1571
M1568: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and for ROC0 RelGainWidth(=0.1) is twice larger then for other ROCs
M1569: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1570: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1571: Grade C due to trimming for 190 pixels failed in ROC4 at +10C. This is not real failure, the first time this module has been tested the grade was B at 10C (while trimming was done for VCal=40)

M1571 goes to C* tray. Solution: either repeat the current test or test only at +10C and merge later.
  232   Mon Apr 27 13:23:47 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1573, M1574, M1576, M1577
Test has been done on April 24
M1573: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1574: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and trimming failed for >100 pixels and RelGainWidth too wide for ROC0
M1576: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1577: Grade B due RelGainWidth too wide for ROC13 at +10C, at -20C graded A!
  233   Mon Apr 27 13:50:09 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1578, M1579, M1580, M1581
M1578: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and 67 pixels failed trimming in ROC1 at -20C
M1579: Grade A
M1580: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and 59/112 pixels failed trimming in ROC5/ROC8 at +10C
M1581: Grade B due to mean noise >200e and 120/120 pixels failed trimming in ROC8/ROC13 at both temperatures
  235   Tue Apr 28 18:06:41 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1582, M1583, M1584, M1585
Modules tested om Apr 27
M1582: Grade C due to 167 pixels failed trimming on ROC1 at +10C only. Previous test on Feb 26 at +10C was graded B!
M1583: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1584: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1585: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs

M1582 goes to C* tray. To be checked later.
  236   Tue Apr 28 18:11:45 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1586, M1587, M1588, M1589
M1586: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1587: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1588: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1589: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
  238   Wed Apr 29 14:08:42 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1536, M1537, M1538
M1536: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC1
M1537: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1538: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs and trimming failure for 70 pixels in ROC14 at -20C
  239   Wed Apr 29 18:11:36 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1590, M1592, M1596, M1600
Modules tested om April 28
M1590: Grade B Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1592: Grade B Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1596: Grade B Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1600: Grade B Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
  240   Thu Apr 30 15:16:58 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1540, M1541, M1543, M1547
Modules tested om April 29
M1540: Grade B due to many (>1000) pixels failed trimming but only 70 are in "C-zone" for ROC0 at -20C -> retest!!!
M1541: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1543: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC8 and 30+ damaged bumps in ROC14
M1547: Grade A

M1540 in C* tray for retest
  241   Thu Apr 30 15:25:36 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1548, M1549, M1550, M1551
M1548: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC11
M1549: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC2. In total 200+ pixels failed trimming in the module -> investigate???
M1550: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC5
M1551: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs

M1549 in tray C* for investigation
  247   Mon May 4 14:13:39 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1552, M1553, M1595, M1597
FT on April 30th
M1552: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC7,8
M1553: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
M1595: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs at -20C and the same + trimming failes for ROC0 (82 pixels) and ROC15 (94 pixels)
M1597: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
  248   Mon May 4 14:18:20 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1540, 1549, 1571, 1598
M1540: Grade A
M1549: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for ROC2 and 48 dead pixels in ROC5
M1571: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for many ROCs
M1598: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for a few ROCs
  250   Tue May 5 13:58:45 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1582, M1649, M1667
M1582: Grade C due to trimming failure in ROC1 for 189 pixels at +10C. This is third time module restesed:
1) February 26 (trimming for VCal 40 and old PH optimization): Grade B, max 29 failed pixels and in few ROCs mean noise
2) April 27: Grade C due to trimming failure in ROC1 for 167 pixels at +10C, at -20C still max 45 failed pixels and in few ROCs mean noise
3) March 5: Grade C due to trimming failure in ROC1 for 189 pixels at +10C, at -20C trimming failure in ROC1 for 157 pixels
The module quality getting worse.

M1649: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC11
M1667: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs

M1582 is in C* tray. To be investigated.
  251   Wed May 6 13:20:28 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1574, M1581, M1660, M1668
Modules tested on May 5th
M1574: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC10 and trimming failures for 89 pixels in ROC0, the same as the first time April 24 (there 104 pixels failed)
M1581: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC8/13, no trimming failures in ROC8/13, as it was on April 27 (120+ pixel in ROC8/13 failed) -> Resalts improved!
M1660: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs, no more trimming failure for 172 pixels in ROC7 as it was on April 7 in ROC7 -> Results improved!
M1668: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs results are worse than were on April 14: one more ROC with mean noise > 200e

resume: for 2 modules results are improved for 2 others almost the same
  252   Wed May 6 16:24:21 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1580, M1595, M1606, M1659
M1580: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in ROC5/8 and trimming failures for 100+ pixels in the same ROCs at +10C, previous result of April 27 was better
M1595: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs, previous result of April 30 was much worse with 80/90 pixels failed trimming in ROC0 and ROC15
M1606: Grade C due to 192 pixels failed trimming in ROC2 at +10C, previous result of April 6 was much better with B grade
M1659: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs, previous result of Aplirl 7 was almost the same

M1606 to tray C* for further investigation
  263   Tue May 12 13:29:27 2020 Andrey StarodumovFull testFT of M1539, M1582, M1606
M1539: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs
M1582: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in few ROCs and at -20C 137 pixels in ROC1 failed trimming. For P5 could use older test results (trim parameters) of April 27 M20_1 when only 23 pixels in ROC1 failed trimming
M1606: Grade C due to 161 pixels failed trimming in ROC2 and total # of defects in this ROC 169. For P5 could use older test results (trim parameters) of March 19 M20_2 when only 36 pixels in ROC2 failed trimming or April 6 when 40 pixels failed (at all T this test has the best performance).
  271   Fri May 22 17:09:37 2020 Andrey StarodumovFTs for ETHZModule list1
green: correct in Total production overview
black: to remove old entries/raws
red: many failures at one or both temperatures

M1536: M20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1537: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29

M1538: 149 defects, retest at m20?
M1539: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-05-11
M1540: M20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-05-04
M1541: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1542: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1543: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1545: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-03-26
M1546: 167 defects, retest at p10?
M1547: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-29
M1548: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1549: 196 defects, retest at m20?
M1550: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1551: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1552: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1553: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-30
M1554: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1555: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-22
M1556: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23

M1557: to be checked on May27 at -20C: run Vcal Scurves for trimmed to VCal=50 module and with -10 to VthrComp value to check failed 61 pixels on ROC4
M1565: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23
M1566: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-23
M1568: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-24
M1569: m20_1 and p10_1 of 2020-04-24
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