ID |
Date |
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Thu Feb 6 17:19:12 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 6 modules: 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1556 | Today reception test was run for 6 modules
and looks OK for all module. The modules
were graded as follows:
Wed Feb 12 15:40:13 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 3 modules: 1569, 1570, 1571; 1572 bad | [B]1569:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1570:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1571:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkblue]B[/COLOR], |
Fri Feb 14 14:40:59 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 2 modules: 1578, 1580 | [B]1579:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1580:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR] |
Tue Apr 14 17:29:46 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | ROC4 or ROC12 defects | Starting from M1650 almost every module has
a cluster of dead pixels or broken bump bonds
Fri Jan 24 18:16:09 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Protective cap gluing | Today I additionally practiced protective
cap gluing by adding a protective cap to
module M1536. |
Fri Feb 14 14:05:16 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Production yield so far | Of 41 modules produced and tested so far (1536-1576),
6 modules were found to be [COLOR=red]bad[/COLOR]
before or during the reception test, 5 were |
Tue May 26 23:00:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Other | Problem with external disk filling up too quickly | The external hard disk (LaCie) used to back
up the L1 replacement data completely filled
up after transferring ~70 GB worth of data |
Wed Oct 2 12:50:52 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification | Full qualification was attempted for M1532
on Oct. 1. After the second Fulltest at -20
C finished, the Keitley client crashed with |
Sat Oct 5 22:59:58 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification | A new attempt to run the full qualification
for M1532 was made on Friday, Oct. 4, but
the Keithely client crashed with the same |
Wed Feb 12 11:15:04 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module grading | Problem with dead trimbits understood | It was noticed that some modules are graded
[COLOR=red]C[/COLOR] because of typically
just one ROC having a large number of dead |
14x |
Mon Mar 16 15:20:03 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | PhQualification | PhQualification on 16.3. | PhQualification was run on modules M1561,
M1564, M1565, M1566. |
Mon Mar 16 10:05:23 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | PhQualification change | Urs made a change in pXar, in the PhOptimization
algorithm. One of the changes is in the testParameters.dat
where vcalhigh is set to 100 instead of 255. |
Mon Mar 16 11:04:41 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | PhQualification | PhQualification 14.-15.3. | I ran PhQualification over the weekend with
changes pulled from git (described here
Wed Aug 7 18:01:06 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | PhOptimization problem | August 7 - we found out that PhOptimization
algorithm starts leaking memory if it fails
to find proper values. If running one setup, |
Sat Sep 12 23:45:56 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | pXar parameter files were converted to POS
configuration files by executing the following
commands on the lab PC at PSI
Fri Nov 6 07:28:42 2020 |
danek kotlinski | POS | POS configuration files created | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar parameter files
were converted to POS configuration files
by executing the following commands on the |
Tue Nov 10 00:50:47 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | [quote="danek kotlinski "][quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar
parameter files were converted to POS configuration
files by executing the following commands |
Tue Jan 19 15:12:12 2021 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | M1560 in position bpi_sec1_lyr1_ldr1_mod3
was replaced by M1613.
Mon Jan 25 13:03:22 2021 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | The output POS configuration files has '_Bpix_'
instead of '_BPix_' in their names. The culprit
was identified to be the C3 cell in the 'POS' |
Wed Mar 18 15:23:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | New rules at PSI | From today only two persons from the group
allowed to be present. We are working in
shifts: Urs in the morning start full qualification |