ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Subject |
Text |
Fri May 15 17:15:34 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | XRay HR tests | Analysis of HRT: M1630, M1632, M1636, M1638 | Krunal proved test result of four modules
and Dinko analised them.
M1630: Grade A, VCal calibration: Slope=43.5e-/Vcal, |
Fri May 22 16:06:43 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | XRay HR tests | Analysis of HRT: M1623, M1632, M1634, M1636-M1639,M1640 | Module HRtest
VCal calibration Grade
#defects max #noisy pix
Mon May 25 16:58:23 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | XRay HR tests | a few commments | These is just to record the information:
1. measured hit rates at which Efficiency
and Xray hits Maps are taken are 40-50% of |
Fri May 29 15:04:04 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | XRay HR tests | Analysis of HRT: M1555-M1561 and M1564 | Module HRtest VCal
calibration Grade
#defects max #noisy pix
Fri Aug 28 12:02:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | XRay HR tests | M1599 | ROC5 has eff=93.65% and should be graded C.
Somehow efficiency was not taken into account
for HR test grading??? |
Tue Aug 6 16:01:17 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | Wrong dac settings - elComandante | If it seems that elComandante is taking wrong
dac settings for tests like Reception test
or full qualification, one should remember |
Thu Sep 26 15:51:30 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | pXar code updated | pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on
the lab PC was updated yesterday from [URL=][/URL]
to the latest version [URL=][/URL] |
Thu Sep 26 22:09:14 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | DAC configuration update | In accordance with the agreement made in an
email thread initiated by Danek, the following
changes to DAC settings for ROCs
Wed Oct 2 12:50:52 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification | Full qualification was attempted for M1532
on Oct. 1. After the second Fulltest at -20
C finished, the Keitley client crashed with |
Sat Oct 5 22:59:58 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Problem with elComandante Keithley client during full qualification | A new attempt to run the full qualification
for M1532 was made on Friday, Oct. 4, but
the Keithely client crashed with the same |
Mon Oct 28 17:01:05 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | Investigating the bug with the Keithley client | We took module 1529 and tried recreating the
issue observed in the beginning of October.
To do this in a reasonable amount of time, |
Tue Oct 29 16:38:32 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | Investigating the bug with the Keithley client | [quote="Matej Roguljic"]We took module 1529
and tried recreating the issue observed in
the beginning of October. To do this in a |
Wed Oct 30 16:54:58 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | Investigating the bug with the Keithley client | [quote="Matej Roguljic"][quote="Matej Roguljic"]We
took module 1529 and tried recreating the
issue observed in the beginning of October. |
Wed Nov 27 18:25:08 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | pXar code updated | pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on
the lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov. 25
from [URL=][/URL] |
Wed Nov 27 21:50:02 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules | Due to different DAC settings needed for PROC
V3 and V4, a single folder containing module
configuration files cannot cover both ROC |
Thu Nov 28 18:23:31 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Reorganized pXar configuration files for pixel modules | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]Due to different DAC
settings needed for PROC V3 and V4, a single
folder containing module configuration files |
Thu Nov 28 18:34:00 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | pXar code updated | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/
on the lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov.
25 from [URL=][/URL] |
Thu Nov 28 18:58:30 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Updated Fulltest configuration | The Fulltest definition used on the lab PC
and stored in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/elComandante/config/tests/Fulltest
had the following content
Mon Jan 20 13:47:33 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | pXar code updated | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"][quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar
code in /home/l_tester/L1_SW/pxar/ on the
lab PC was updated on Monday, Nov. 25 from |
Wed Jan 22 11:39:48 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | BB2 configuration | When attempting to run the FullQualification
this morning, pXar crashed while running
the BB2 test. After some investigation, we |
Wed Jan 22 11:50:20 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Module configuration files for interactive tests | There are two module configuration folders
set up for elComandante
Thu Jan 23 15:15:45 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Trimming Vcal value changed from 35 to 40 | Trimming Vcal value changed from 35 to 40
in the testParameters.dat files stored in
Fri Jan 24 18:12:00 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb code updates | MoReWeb code updated to include the ROC wafer
info in the XrayCalibration and XRayHRQualification
Mon Mar 16 10:05:23 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | PhQualification change | Urs made a change in pXar, in the PhOptimization
algorithm. One of the changes is in the testParameters.dat
where vcalhigh is set to 100 instead of 255. |
Wed Mar 18 15:16:47 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Software | Change in trimmig algorithm | Urs yesterday modified the algorithm and tested
it. From today we are using it. Main change
that threshold for trimming is not any more |
Wed Apr 8 15:02:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Software | Change of CrtlReg for RT | So far in a blue box for RT tbm10d_procv3
parameters were used.
This is wrong, since CtrlReg=9 is better |
Thu Apr 30 16:47:00 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots | Some of the DAC parameters plots were empty
in the total production overview page. All
the empty plots had the number "35" in them |
Thu Apr 30 17:24:57 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots | [quote="Matej Roguljic"]Some of the DAC parameters
plots were empty in the production overview
page. All the empty plots had the number |
Thu Apr 30 17:33:04 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots | [quote="Matej Roguljic"]Some of the DAC parameters
plots were empty in the total production
overview page. All the empty plots had the |
Thu May 7 00:10:15 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb empty DAC plots | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"][quote="Matej Roguljic"]Some
of the DAC parameters plots were empty in
the total production overview page. All the |
Thu May 7 00:56:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | MoReWeb updates related to the BB2 test | Andrey noticed that results of the BB2 test
(here example for ROC 12 in M1675)
9x |
Thu May 7 01:51:03 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Strange bug/feature affecting Pixel Defects info in the Production Overview page | It was observed that sometimes the Pixel Defects
info in the Production Overview page is missing
Mon May 11 21:32:20 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page | As a follow-up to this [URL=]elog[/URL],
double-counting of pixel defects in the production
overview page was fixed in [URL=]3a2c6772[/URL]. |
Mon May 11 21:37:43 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed the BB defects plots in the production overview page | [URL=]0407e04c[/URL]:
attempting to fix the BB defects plots in
the production overview page (seems mostly |
Mon May 11 21:41:15 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | 17 to 10 C changes in the production overview page | [URL=]0c513ab8[/URL]:
a few more updates on the main production
overview page related to the 17 to 10 C change |
Wed May 13 23:16:37 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Software | Fixed double-counting of pixel defects in the production overview page | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]As a follow-up to
this [URL=]elog[/URL],
double-counting of pixel defects in the production |
Fri May 22 16:19:01 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Software | Change in MoreWeb GradingParameters.cfg | Xray noise:
grade B moved from 300e to 400e
grade C moved from 400e to 500e |
Mon May 25 17:24:05 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Software | Change in MoreWeb | In file
emacs Chips/Chip/ColumnUniformityPerColumn/
Mon Feb 3 15:53:32 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | 5 modules RT: 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550 | [COLOR=blue]Feb 03[/COLOR]
- RT is done and OK for all modules. All
5 modules graded [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]. |
Mon Feb 3 17:09:36 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | 2 modules RT failed: 1544, 1546 | [COLOR=blue]Feb 03[/COLOR]
- RT failed
-- 1544:
Thu Feb 6 17:19:12 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 6 modules: 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1556 | Today reception test was run for 6 modules
and looks OK for all module. The modules
were graded as follows:
Fri Feb 7 19:40:27 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 6 modules: 1557, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1561, 1562 | Reception test is done and all 6 modules were
graded [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR].
Tue Feb 11 10:25:32 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 6 modules: 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568 | [COLOR=blue]Feb. 10[/COLOR]
[B]1563:[/B] Grade [COLOR=red]C[/COLOR], |
Wed Feb 12 15:40:13 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 3 modules: 1569, 1570, 1571; 1572 bad | [B]1569:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1570:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1571:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkblue]B[/COLOR], |
Thu Feb 13 21:44:28 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 6 modules: 1573, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1578 | [B]1573:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1574:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkblue]B[/COLOR],
I(150)/I(100) > 2 (4.63)
Fri Feb 14 14:40:59 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Reception test | RT for 2 modules: 1578, 1580 | [B]1579:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR]
[B]1580:[/B] Grade [COLOR=darkgreen]A[/COLOR] |
Thu Mar 19 17:17:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1609-M16012 | Reception test done and caps are glued to
modules M1609-M1612.
M1611 graded B due to double column failure |
Fri Mar 20 14:46:31 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1615 failed | M1615 is programmable but "no working phases
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
Fri Mar 20 14:53:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1616 failed | ROC10 of M1616 is not programmable, no readout
from ROC10 and ROC11.
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK
Fri Mar 20 17:05:58 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1617 failed | ROC8 of M1617 is programmable but no readout
from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of |
Sun Mar 22 13:57:25 2020 |
Danek Kotlinski | Reception test | M1617 failed | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]ROC8 of M1617 is
programmable but no readout from it.
Silvan noticed that a corner of one ROC of |
Sun Mar 22 14:02:20 2020 |
Danek Kotlinski | Reception test | M1616 failed | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]ROC10 of M1616
is not programmable, no readout from ROC10
and ROC11.
Sun Mar 22 14:05:20 2020 |
Danek Kotlinski | Reception test | M1615 failed | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]M1615 is programmable
but "no working phases found"
Visual inspection of wire bonds - OK.
Tue Mar 24 15:18:59 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1621 failed Reception | On M1621 ROC8 is not programmable. |
Tue Mar 24 15:20:18 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1623 failed Reception | M1623: all ROCs are programmable but no readout
from ROC0-ROC3.
Visual inspection is OK.
Tue Mar 24 16:08:58 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1625 failed Reception | M1625: all ROCs are programmable but no readout
from ROC0-ROC3.
The same symptom as for M1623.
Wed Mar 25 14:11:35 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1613 and M1614 on Mar 20 | Reception test for these modules have been
done on Mar20.
Grading A for both modules. |
Wed Mar 25 14:44:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1627 and M1628 | Both modules graded A. |
Thu Mar 26 17:41:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1629-1632 | All modules M1629, M1630, M1631 and M1632
graded A |
Fri Mar 27 14:28:14 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1633 failed Reception | All ROCs are programmable but permanent DESERALISER
ERROR, Ch6 and Ch7 event ID mismatch.
Visual inspection is OK
Fri Mar 27 17:27:09 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1635 failed Reception | All ROCs are programmable but DESER400 trailer
error bits: "NO DATA" or "IDLE DATA".
ROC8-11 are affected (no data)
Mon Mar 30 17:49:31 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1637-1640 | All modules: M1637, M1638, M1639, M1649, are
graded A.
Tue Mar 31 17:32:47 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1641-M1644 | All modules graded A. |
Tue Mar 31 17:33:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1546 | This is a module with a broken TBM. Silvan
put a new one on top of the broken TBM.
The module is graded A after reception test.
Wed Apr 1 14:36:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1646 failed Reception | M1646 showed Idig=1A, ROC6 is not programmable.
Visual inspection: scratch on a periphery
(between bonding pads) of ROC6.
Wed Apr 1 15:32:43 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1546 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]This is a module
with a broken TBM. Silvan put a new one on
top of the broken TBM.
Thu Apr 2 17:06:19 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1652 failed Reception | ROC1 of M1652 is not programmable.
Put in the "Bad" tray as C module. |
Fri Apr 3 13:55:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1653 failed Reception | Roc12-15 are not programmable.
Visual inspection is Ok, nothing found.
To module doctor! |
Fri Apr 3 14:18:15 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1651 on April 2 | Due to damaged module adapter the first Reception
test failed and after MoreWeb analysis graded
Mon Apr 6 14:27:31 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | M1593 | Silvan has substituted the TBM0 of M1593.
I had to substitute a cable that has residuals
and with which the Reception test failed |
Mon Apr 6 14:42:43 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1575 failed | Silvan has substituted the TBM0 of M1575.
Still no hits in ROC0-ROC3: "NO DATA" "IDLE
DATA" warnings
Mon Apr 6 14:52:09 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1657 failed | No hits in ROC14 and ROC15.
Here is an error:
"ERROR: <> |
Tue Apr 7 14:26:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1567 failed | After exchange of TBM1 the results is the
Tue Apr 7 15:25:21 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1662 failed | Address decoding of M1662 failed in one double
column of ROC4.
To be decided what to do with this module.
Tue Apr 7 18:02:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of 1654 | After Silvan removed a cap and re-bonded broken
and bent wires M1654 again has been tested.
RT grade is A.
Wed Apr 8 13:40:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1625 failed | Silvan substituted TBM on this module.
Now ROC0 does not have hits.
Grade C, goes to "Bad" tray. |
Wed Apr 8 13:43:15 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1623 failed | M1623: all ROCs are programmable but no readout
from ROC8-ROC11.
Visual inspection is OK.
Wed Apr 8 15:20:38 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1665 | With CtrlReg=9 RT grade was B due to 90 noisy
pixels in ROC5.
Noisy in this case means that one pixel in |
Wed Apr 8 17:17:13 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1662 failed | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Address decoding
of M1662 failed in one double column of ROC4.
To be decided what to do with this module.
Thu Apr 9 14:36:10 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1669 and M1670 | Both modules graded A. |
Thu Apr 9 14:49:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1650 failed | Module has been tested on April 2nd.
Under Molex connector in ROC12 471 dead or
noisy pixels.
Thu Apr 9 17:36:31 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1671 failed | ROC12-ROC15 no hits.
A candidate to TBM0 substitution, hence Grade
Tue Apr 14 15:49:05 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | RT of M1623, M1657, M1673, M1674 | M1623: Grade A, should be B due to 71 bump
defects in ROC4
M1657: Grade B, due to 51 dead pixels in |
Mon Apr 20 15:20:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Reception test | Change TBMs on M1635, M1653, M1671 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]M1635: no data
from ROC8-ROC11 => change TBM1
M1653: ROC12-ROC15 not programmable => change |
Fri Jul 10 11:24:37 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Reception test | proc600V3 modules | This week I tested 12 modules built with proc600v3.
The module numbers are M1722 - M1733.
The results are summarized at the usual place: |
Tue Mar 3 14:05:13 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Regrading C modules: due to Noise | It has been realized by Urs that VCal to electron
conversion used by MoreWeb is still 50e/VCal.
While recent calibration done by Maren with |
Wed Mar 4 16:00:05 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Regrading C M1591: due to Noise | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]It has been realized
by Urs that VCal to electron conversion used
by MoreWeb is still 50e/VCal.
Wed Mar 11 17:59:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Regrading C M1542: due to Noise | Follow the instruction from M1591 regrading
"To correct the Summary page one needs to |
Tue Mar 24 18:11:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Reanalised test results | Test resulsts of several modules have been
re-analised without grading on trimbit failure.
Wed Mar 25 18:31:46 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | Reanalised test results | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test resulsts of
several modules have been re-analised without
grading on trimbit failure.
Fri May 29 13:56:35 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Re-grading | M1630 | In ROC1 of M1630 gain calibration failed massively
(3883 pixels) at +10C with CtrlReg 9.
A special test of M1630 only at +10C and |
Mon Mar 16 11:04:41 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | PhQualification | PhQualification 14.-15.3. | I ran PhQualification over the weekend with
changes pulled from git (described here
Mon Mar 16 15:20:03 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | PhQualification | PhQualification on 16.3. | PhQualification was run on modules M1561,
M1564, M1565, M1566. |
Wed Jul 29 17:19:43 2020 |
danek kotlinski | PhQualification | Change configuration for PH qialification | Preparing the new PH optimization I had to
make the following modifications:
Fri Aug 28 11:53:23 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | PhQualification | M1555 | There is no new PH optimisation for this module?!
To be checked! |
Fri Aug 28 14:07:24 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | PhQualification | M1539 | There is no new PH optimisation for this module?!
To be checked! |
Sat Sep 12 23:45:56 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | pXar parameter files were converted to POS
configuration files by executing the following
commands on the lab PC at PSI
Fri Nov 6 07:28:42 2020 |
danek kotlinski | POS | POS configuration files created | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar parameter files
were converted to POS configuration files
by executing the following commands on the |
Tue Nov 10 00:50:47 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | [quote="danek kotlinski "][quote="Dinko Ferencek"]pXar
parameter files were converted to POS configuration
files by executing the following commands |
Tue Jan 19 15:12:12 2021 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | M1560 in position bpi_sec1_lyr1_ldr1_mod3
was replaced by M1613.
Mon Jan 25 13:03:22 2021 |
Dinko Ferencek | POS | POS configuration files created | The output POS configuration files has '_Bpix_'
instead of '_BPix_' in their names. The culprit
was identified to be the C3 cell in the 'POS' |
Tue Aug 6 16:06:45 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Other | Vsh and ctrlreg for v4 chips | The recommended default value for Vsh is 8,
but the current version of pXar has it as
30. One should remember this when making |
Tue Sep 10 15:18:20 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Other | Modules 1504, 1505, 1520 irradiation report | Modules 1504, 1505 and 1520 were taken to
Zagreb for irradiation on 13.08.19. The goal
was to check the v4 behavior after irradiation. |
Fri Sep 13 15:06:51 2019 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | Modules 1504, 1505, 1520 irradiation report | It was discovered that these modules were
stored in Zagreb in the climatic lab where
T was about +22C. These modules have been |
Thu Sep 19 00:52:24 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Other | Modules 1504, 1505, 1520 irradiation report | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]It was discovered
that these modules were stored in Zagreb
in the climatic lab where T was about +22C. |
Wed Mar 11 15:34:57 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Other | M1586: issues with MOLEX? | Module M1586 had passed the full qualification
on 20/02/27. I had had to re-insert the cable
in the Molex connector for it to become programmable. |
Wed Mar 11 16:48:10 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | M1586: issues with MOLEX? | [quote="Urs Langenegger"]Module M1586 had
passed the full qualification on 20/02/27.
I had had to re-insert the cable in the Molex |
Sun Mar 29 18:14:59 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Other | Modules 1544 & 1563 in gelpack | The 2 bad modules:
Thu Apr 2 17:10:08 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | Cap glued to M1618 | M1618 has been tested (FT ) on March 23 without
a protection cap.
I have no idea how it's happened...
Tue Apr 14 16:54:31 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | M1633 cable disconnected | We do not have any more module holders.
M1633 was in "Module doctor" tray.
I took module off the holder and put it in |
Wed Apr 29 08:48:06 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Other | M1539 | M1539 showed no readout. I tried, all without
- reconnecting the cable to the adapter multiple |
Mon May 11 14:14:05 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Other | M1606 | On Friday I have tested M1606 at room temperature
in the red cold box.
Previously it was reported that trimming |
Mon May 11 14:40:16 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Other | M1582 | On Friday I have tested the module M1582 at
room temperature in the blue box.
The report in MoreWeb says that this module |
Wed May 13 17:57:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | L1_DATA backup | L1_DATA files are backed up to the LaCie disk |
Tue May 26 23:00:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Other | Problem with external disk filling up too quickly | The external hard disk (LaCie) used to back
up the L1 replacement data completely filled
up after transferring ~70 GB worth of data |
Fri Sep 18 15:45:21 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | M2211 and M2122 | I made a mistake and instead M2122 used ID
M2211 in the .ini file.
Hence now we do not have entry for M2122 |
Mon Jan 18 13:53:44 2021 |
Andrey Starodumov | Other | DTB tests | M2217
--->DTB 154 (one of the red cold box setup):
- flat cable (with HV):
Wed Sep 2 16:09:24 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Modules for P | M1595 switch with M1558 | Module 1595 was foreseen to go on the inner
ladder 5, position -2 (negative two). During
the pre-installation test, we saw it had |
Tue Feb 4 19:35:38 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module transfer | 7 modules prepared for transfer to ETH: 1536, 1537, 1538, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1543 | The following modules have been prepared today
for transport to ETH for x-ray qualification:
1536, 1537, 1538, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1543
Wed Feb 5 16:18:30 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module transfer | Module location tracking added to the assembly spreadsheet | To keep track of the module location, two
columns were added to the module assembly
spreadsheet [URL=][/URL] |
Wed Feb 12 10:43:04 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module transfer | 9 modules sent to ETH: 1539, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553 | Yesterday the following modules were sent
to ETH:
1539, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, |
Thu Feb 27 10:14:09 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | M1562 to DESY | M1562 was not qualified during a full test
since the test did not complete.
Looking at the module I see that roc 2 has |
Wed Mar 25 14:42:55 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | modules 1545 & 1542 back from ETH | M1545 & M1542 were returned from ETH to PSI
for further testing. |
Thu Apr 9 14:19:40 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | Modules moved to gel-pack | The following good module class A/B have been
moved to gel-packs:
1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1612, 1613, 1614, |
Thu Apr 9 16:13:51 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | Modules moved to gel-pack | [quote="danek kotlinski"]The following good
module class A/B have been moved to gel-packs:
1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1612, 1613, 1614, |
Wed Apr 15 17:14:42 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | move 4 modules to gel-packs | Moved to gel-apcks:
1629 B
1631 B
Wed Apr 15 17:33:53 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | move 4 modules to gel-packs | [quote="danek kotlinski"]Moved to gel-apcks:
1629 B
1631 B
Thu Apr 30 15:38:43 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | M1635 & M1671 transferred to gel-pack | Two bad modules have been placed in gel-packs:
1635 & 1671. |
Mon May 18 14:05:01 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module transfer | 8 modules shipped to ETHZ | M1555, M1556, M1557,
M1558, M1559, M1560,
M1561, M1564 |
Tue May 19 13:43:55 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module transfer | 9 modules shipped to PSI | Quick check: Leakage current, set Vana, VthrCompCalDel
and PixelAlive
Module Current@-150V Programmable |
Thu May 28 14:38:43 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module transfer | 18 Modules shipped to ETHZ | 1536, 1537, 1539, 1540, 1541,
1543, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1550,
1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1565,
Thu May 28 14:40:57 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module transfer | 8 modules shipped to PSI | Quick check: Leakage current, set Vana, VthrCompCalDel
and PixelAlive
Module Current@-150V Programmable Readout
Thu Jun 4 15:32:50 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module transfer | 18 Modules shipped to PSI | Quick check: Leakage current, set Vana, VthrCompCalDel
and PixelAlive
Tue Jun 9 17:19:00 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | gel-pack transfers | The following modules, which were already
X-ray tested and came back from ETHZ,
have been transferred to gel_packs:
Tue Jun 16 19:23:37 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | modules from and to ETH, list 3 | The 27 modules from list 2 have been transferred
back to PSI.
Thu Jun 18 20:04:41 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | Modules to ETH, transport #6 | Today Lea has delivered another group of 18
modules to the ETH:
Thu Jul 2 13:48:20 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | Transport #7 to ETH | Lea brought the last batch of 8 modules to
Fri Oct 23 13:33:04 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module transfer | L1 & L2 modules to go to P5 | The following modules will be transported
to CERN/P5 as spares.
Sun Feb 9 18:36:13 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module grading | Manual grading | The procedure for manual grading is described
in [URL=][/URL].
Wed Feb 12 11:15:04 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module grading | Problem with dead trimbits understood | It was noticed that some modules are graded
[COLOR=red]C[/COLOR] because of typically
just one ROC having a large number of dead |
14x |
Tue Mar 24 15:41:29 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module grading | Change in MoreWeb GradingParameters.cfg | On March 3d the Vcal calibration parameter
has been changed:
- StandardVcal2ElectronConversionFactor from |
Thu Mar 26 10:41:24 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module grading | M1606 | I have looked more closely at M1606.
Trimming show problems in ROC2, 8 pixels
have 0 threshold and for 61 pixels thr=-1.
Thu Mar 26 15:37:18 2020 |
Urs | Module grading | M1606 | attached find the threshold difference distributions
for all four trimbits for all ROCs |
Tue Mar 31 06:54:12 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module grading | M1542 | I have tested M1542.
It looks not bad but there is a group of
pixels in the lower/left corner of ROC6 which |
Fri May 1 19:34:01 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module grading | M1582 | M1582 was classified as C because of 167 pixels
failing trimming in ROC1.
I have tested this module.
Thu May 7 00:27:41 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module grading | Comment about TrimBitDifference and its impact on the Trim Bit Test | To expand on the following [URL=]elog[/URL],
on Mar. 24 Andrey changed the TrimBitDifference
parameter in Analyse/Configuration/GradingParameters.cfg |
Fri Jun 5 13:47:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module grading | M1613 | FT of this modules has been done twice: March
23 and March 25, in both cases with the final
test SW. On March 23 module was graded C |
Fri Aug 28 11:13:33 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module grading | M1615 | M1615: one pixel in ROC10 unmaskable hence
should be graded C. Otherwise the module
is of grade A
Wed Mar 25 20:17:16 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module doctor | The list of modules tested today by Wolfram | M1542 nothing on sdata3 (12-15), bad output
or wire-bond
M1544 ROC15 timing off, can be made to |
Fri Mar 27 14:46:04 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module doctor | Wolfram's summay from Mar 25 | M1542 nothing on sdata3 (12-15), bad output
or wire-bond
M1544 ROC15 timing off, can be made to |
Fri Mar 27 16:41:16 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module doctor | Wolfram's summay from Mar 25 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]M1542 nothing
on sdata3 (12-15), bad output or wire-bond
M1544 ROC15 timing off, can be made to |
Fri Apr 3 17:39:19 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module doctor | M1654 | After a protection cap glued to M1654, I observed
a few strongly bent wire bonds and probably
some shorts on ROC8. One (VD+) of them is |
Wed Apr 15 08:48:09 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Module doctor | Wolfram's tests from 14/4/20 | two of are fixed and can be re-tested
M1623 tbm bond
M1657 bond roc 15
Wed Aug 7 11:49:07 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Module assembly | HDI glue irradiation tests | Six different glues were used to glue the
cap on six dummy modules. They were all irradiated
to 120 MRad in Zagreb after which they were |
10x |
Wed Sep 18 15:45:45 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Module assembly | HDI sparking under HV test | HDI [B]8010[/B] passed all test except the
HV. Under the HV test, some sparks could
be heard and even seen by eye on the right |
7x |
Thu Sep 26 21:48:56 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Cap gluing training | Today I performed my first cap gluing. As
an exercise it was first done on two dummy
modules and later on a pre-production module |
Fri Sep 27 23:22:02 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Cap gluing training | Attached are the bump bonding threshold maps
before and after cap gluing and the (before
- after) difference for M1522. |
Wed Oct 2 12:41:16 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | First production modules assembled | First production modules (M1530, M1531, M1532)
were built on Monday, Sep. 30 2019.
6x |
Tue Oct 29 16:36:23 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Module assembly | Assembly lab cap gluing jigs | There are two jigs for cap gluing in the assembly
lab, circled in red and blue on the photo
in the attachment. The one closer to the |
Fri Jan 24 18:16:09 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Protective cap gluing | Today I additionally practiced protective
cap gluing by adding a protective cap to
module M1536. |
Tue Feb 4 19:51:10 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Cap gluing | Today protective caps have been glued to modules
1545, 1547, 1548, 1549, and 1550. |
Wed Feb 5 16:07:03 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Module assembly spreadsheet migrated to Google Sheets | Excel file stored on CERNBox containing the
module assembly spreadsheet has been replaced
with a Google Sheet [URL=][/URL]. |
Thu Feb 6 17:09:50 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Gluing stamp improvements | Silvan has made additional grooves on the
gluing stamp which now sits stably on top
of the module without any rocking motion |
Sun Feb 9 12:05:47 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Cap gluing | Today protective caps have been glued to modules
1561 and 1562. |
Fri Feb 14 14:05:16 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Module assembly | Production yield so far | Of 41 modules produced and tested so far (1536-1576),
6 modules were found to be [COLOR=red]bad[/COLOR]
before or during the reception test, 5 were |
Mon Feb 24 13:53:32 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Module assembly | Setup changes in week 8 | Setup changes in week 8
Silvan considered the single-module gluing |
Mon Feb 24 14:01:29 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Module assembly | Cap gluing in W8 | In week 8 the following modules were glued
and tested:
Tue Feb 25 17:11:18 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Module assembly | Modules glued and tested Feb 24/25 | Modules glued and tested Feb 24/25
The letters after the module name indicate |
Mon Mar 16 15:17:18 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Module assembly | M1601 and M1602 | Andrey and I assembled modules 1601 and 1602
on Friday, 13.3. On Monday, 16.3. I ran reception
on them (both graded A) and then glued protection |
Wed Mar 18 17:43:41 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Module assembly | M1605-M1608 | M1605 and M1606: reception done on Mar 17
M1607 and M1608: reception done today
All: grade A
Mon Mar 9 16:16:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | HDIs: 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004 and 4033 | Today I tested 5 HDIs: 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004
and 4033
Wed Mar 11 17:12:05 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | HDI test | HDI testing procedure change | There is an additional test that will be used
from 11.03. on all HDIs. It involves measuring
the voltage between ground and the HV pin |
Wed Mar 11 17:22:57 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | HDI test | 8 HDI tests on 11.3. | I tested 8 HDIs today: 5029,5030,5031,6034,6036,6035,1031
and 1032
All of them tested fine. |
Thu Mar 12 12:19:43 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | HDI test | 5 HDI tests on 12.3. | I tested 5 HDIs on 12.3. 1030,1029,1040,1039
and 1038. 1039 failed all the electrical
tests. All the others passed the tests. HDI |
Fri Mar 20 18:09:47 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 3 HDIs tested | 5008 failed, but most likely die to the pin
head mis-alignment. Test to be repeated.
5007 and 5008: passed tests but during HV |
Tue Mar 24 15:16:56 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 8 HDIs tested on Mar 23 | 1014, 1016, 2001, 2003,
2004, 4013, 4015, 5014
All are good. |
Wed Mar 25 18:30:23 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 4+2 HDI tested | 2 suspicious HDIs retested and found OK: 5006/5007
5013, 5016, 3017, 3019 are OK. |
Thu Mar 26 17:43:06 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 6+1 HDI tested | HDIs: 6021, 3014, 2005, 2009, 2006 and 2010
are OK
HDI 6024 failed: SDA0 and SDA2 on Ch1 missing
Fri Mar 27 14:32:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | List of suspicious HDIs | Here are HDIs that the first time tested showed
500-600V measured on the pin or directly
on the HDI pad instead of 800V:
Mon Mar 30 17:40:35 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 3+2 HDIs (re-)tested | For 3 HDIs: 3014, 3017, 6021, HV has been
re-measured. In all cases 790V is measured
with 800V supplied.
Tue Mar 31 18:14:47 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 3 HDI tested | HDIs: 1027, 5002, 5003 are tested. All OK. |
Thu Apr 2 17:08:03 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 6 HDIs tested | 3013, 1046, 1047, 1048, 5038, 5039 are tested.
All are OK. |
Fri Apr 3 18:06:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 2 HDIs tested | HDIs 6018 and 6019 are passed tests. |
Mon Apr 6 17:07:23 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 8 HDIs tested | HDIs
4937 5043 5042 4040
2029 4019 4018 4017
Tue Apr 7 17:59:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 6 HDIs tested | HDIs
2030, 2031, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1035
are tested. All OK. |
Thu Apr 9 17:43:54 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 4 HDIa tested | HDIs 3029, 3031, 3032, 4042 passed tests.
All OK. |
Mon Apr 20 17:09:12 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 4 HDIs tested | After staying in 90%+ RH 2 HDIs became flat.
The first one was easy to mount on an HDI
Wed Apr 22 17:28:42 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 11 HDIs tested | After keeping HDIs in a very high RH for a
dew hours (24 is fine) became flat and could
be fixed on HDI holder by vacuum.
Thu Apr 23 18:01:16 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 4 HDIs tested | The following HDIs are tested:
6007: OK
1034: Failed due to not working Channel 1 |
Fri Apr 24 13:56:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 3 HDIs tested | Following HDIs tested from the box "to be
5021, 3019, 5008. All are fine. |
Mon Apr 27 14:21:17 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | HDI test | 3 HDIs tested | # remaining HDIs from "to be understood" box
were tested after flattening them during
weekend in RH=99.9% box.
Tue Aug 6 15:15:00 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 19.6.-4.7.2019. | 17.6.-21.6.
Andrei and Matej were at PSI working on the |
Thu Sep 12 10:32:27 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 10.9.-19.9.2019. | 10.9.
Modules 1504,1505,1520 brought to PSI after
irradiation to 1.2 MGy in Zagreb. All 3 were |
Thu Sep 19 14:20:07 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 10.9.-19.9.2019. | [quote="Matej Roguljic"]10.9.
Modules 1504,1505,1520 brought to PSI after
irradiation to 1.2 MGy in Zagreb. All 3 were |
Thu Sep 26 17:38:07 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 25.-26.9. | It was planned to test a batch of HDIs these
2 days but the shipment was late. Dinko and
Andrei were shown the HDI testing procedure. |
Fri Sep 27 22:24:31 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | General | Activities on 27. 9. 2019. | [LIST]
[*] Today Silvan wire bonded TBMs to the
first batch of 8 new HDIs which were then |
Wed Oct 30 10:38:04 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 28.-31.10.2019. | 28.10. - Investigated a problem with the FullQualification
setup, described more in this [URL=]note[/URL]
29.10. - Further investigated the aforementioned |
Thu Nov 28 15:58:20 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 26.-29.11.2019. | 26.11.
Prepared the tools for RD53A digital module |
Fri Nov 29 17:06:26 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | General | Dropbox folder on CERNBox set up | A dropbox folder for elComandante tar files
was set up in my CERNBox and synchronized
with the following local folder on the lab |
Mon Jan 20 18:09:50 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | General | Activities 20.-31.01.2020. | 20.01.
Expanded the HDI testing setup to be able |
Fri Jan 24 18:22:00 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | General | L1 replacement web page updated | This week several new links were added to
the main L1 replacement web page located
at the following URL
Wed Mar 18 15:23:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | New rules at PSI | From today only two persons from the group
allowed to be present. We are working in
shifts: Urs in the morning start full qualification |
Tue Apr 14 17:29:46 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | ROC4 or ROC12 defects | Starting from M1650 almost every module has
a cluster of dead pixels or broken bump bonds
Tue Apr 21 15:34:57 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | Retesting starts today | From today we will retest modules that have
been tested with pXar SW versions earlier
than March 18.
Mon May 4 15:28:14 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | M1660 | M1660 is taken from gel-pak and cabled for
This module was graded C only at second FT |
Fri May 29 15:41:40 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | M1546 | ROC10 of M1546 has 107 pixels with trimming
in a VCal threshold scan after trimming 81 |
Fri Jun 5 16:22:19 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | Cleaning L1_DATA directory | To be able to analyse Xray data and keep Total
Production overview in a proper state we
need to clean L1_DATA directory.
Sun Jul 5 13:20:55 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | General | Disk cleanup on the lab PC ( | Home folder was cleaned up by deleting old
pXar output .log and .root files. The full
list is in the attached file. This released |
Fri Aug 14 13:47:26 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | General | new PH optimisation test and Total Overview | New PH optimisation is done at -20C as a FT,
hence the results of this test are added
to "DB" file as the second m20_1 test.
Wed Nov 20 16:53:50 2019 |
Andrey | Full test | M1533 and M1534 FullQualification | FullQualification of two modules M1533 and
M1534 has been done. Full time of the test
is about 7hrs.
Mon Dec 2 17:29:06 2019 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | 4 modules FT | FullQualification of four modules M1526, M1529,
M1521 and M1534 has been done. Full time
of the test is about 5.5hrs.
Tue Dec 3 12:15:54 2019 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | 4 modules FT | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]FullQualification
of four modules M1526, M1529, M1521 and M1534
has been done. Full time of the test is about |
Mon Feb 3 11:28:38 2020 |
Anrey Starodumov | Full test | 4 modules FT: 1536, 1537,1538, 1540 | [COLOR=blue]Jan 28[/COLOR]: Reception test
for 1536, 1537, 1538 OK
Then cap gluing
Mon Feb 3 15:35:09 2020 |
Anrey Starodumov | Full test | 4 modules FT: 1539, 1541,1542, 1543 | [COLOR=blue]Jan 29[/COLOR]
- Reception test for 1539 OK
- Cap gluing
Fri Feb 7 20:35:44 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 4 modules: 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549 |
[B]1545:[/B] [COLOR=red]C/C/C[/COLOR] (-20/-20/+10).
Problematic ROC 14: mean noise >320e, many |
Sat Feb 8 20:48:11 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 4 modules: 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553 |
[B]1550:[/B] [COLOR=darkblue]B/B/B[/COLOR]
(-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due |
Sun Feb 9 10:52:17 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 4 modules: 1539, 1554, 1555, 1556 |
[B]1539:[/B] [COLOR=darkblue]B/B/B[/COLOR]
(-20/-20/+10). Electrical grade is B due |
Sun Feb 9 19:34:55 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 4 modules: 1557, 1558, 1559, 1560 |
[B]1557:[/B] [COLOR=red]C/C/C[/COLOR] (-20/-20/+10).
Mean noise >200e for some ROCs, dead trimbits, |
Fri Feb 14 09:48:27 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Full test | FT for 12 modules: 1561-1576 (1563, 1567, 1572, 1575 excluded) | [COLOR=blue]Feb. 11[/COLOR]
[B]1561:[/B] [COLOR=red]C/[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]B/B[/COLOR] |
Wed Feb 26 10:34:55 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Fulltest after Peltier replacement | On 2020/02/25, after SIlvan had replaced the
Peltiers, I did a fulltest. Here the summary:
Thu Feb 27 09:47:51 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Fulltest on 2020/02/26 | On Wednesday, 2020/02/26 the following modules
went through the full qualification procedure:
Fri Feb 28 17:33:16 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Fulltests on 2020/02/28 | M1589 B
M1590 C (gain issues?)
M1591 C (noise issues?)
Mon Mar 2 17:39:36 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Fulltests on 2020/03/02 | Modules tested:
M1595 C
M1596 B
Wed Mar 4 11:32:42 2020 |
danek kotlinski | Full test | change the target trim threshodl to vcal=50 | After some discussion we decided to change
the target trimming threshold from vcal 40
to 50.
Thu Mar 12 17:21:59 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Full test | Fulltests on 2020/03/12 | Modules tested:
M1557 C (trim bits at -20)
M1558 C (gain at -20)
Sat Mar 14 17:08:14 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Full test | Fulltests on 2020/03/13 |
Modules tested:
M1591 C (gain at -20)
Wed Mar 18 17:46:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1601-M1604 | M1601-M1604 passed full test
M1601: grade B
M1602-M1604: Grade C. The main reason is |
Thu Mar 19 18:01:50 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1605-M1608 | Only M1607 graded B. All others are graded
C due to trimbit test.
M1606 should be looked carefully and may |
Fri Mar 20 18:32:34 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1609-M1612 | M1609 and M1611 are graded C
M1610 and M1612 are graded B
Tue Mar 24 18:09:07 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 | Test results have been analysed with modified
M1615: B
Wed Mar 25 14:17:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1609, M1613, M1614, M1618 on Mar 23 | FT for these modules has been done on Mar
M1609: C
Wed Mar 25 17:03:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1615, M1619, M1620, M1622 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Test results have
been analysed with modified code:
M1615: B
Wed Mar 25 18:40:53 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1599, M1613, M1624, M1616 | M1599: B due to leakage current at +10 (2-3umA)
M1613: B due to a few pixels with bad trimmed
Thu Mar 26 17:45:15 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1545, M1557, M1627, M1628 | Retested M1545: C->B (to be correct on the
MoreWeb summary page)
Retested 1557: C->C in one ROC >160 pixels |
Fri Mar 27 10:54:04 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | Issues with pc11366 on March 27 | On March 27 I had a lot of troubles getting
the full qualification up
and running.
Fri Mar 27 18:28:34 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | 4 HDIs tested | HDIs 5020, 5018, 1044 and 1041 are OK |
Fri Mar 27 18:29:53 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1629, M1630, M1631, M1632 | M1629: B due to mean noise at -20C
M1630: C due to ROC1 with all pixels failed
of PH calibration (Gain). Both FT at -20C |
Mon Mar 30 14:52:59 2020 |
Danek Kotlinski | Full test | FT of M1629, M1630, M1631, M1632 | I have tested M1630.
I see not problem with ROC1. See the attached
Mon Mar 30 15:40:52 2020 |
Urs | Full test | FT of M1629, M1630, M1631, M1632 | M1630 is interesting because (I am using my
terminology in the following) for the test
at T=+10C ROC1 fails the PH optimization |
Tue Mar 31 08:21:39 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of 1558, 1606, 1634, 1636 on Mar 30 | M1558: B
M1606: C again due to trimmed threshold for
189 pixels of ROC2 at -20C. Second time at |
Tue Mar 31 09:29:02 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | exchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A | I did not manage to get any r/o from the module
connected to that adapter, also after exchanging
the module.
Tue Mar 31 10:32:32 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | M1637 | Maybe M1637 has an issue: It got stuck twice
at the same place with
Tue Mar 31 17:36:36 2020 |
Urs Langenegger | Full test | exchanged adapter for DTB_WXC03A | [quote="Urs Langenegger"]I did not manage
to get any r/o from the module connected
to that adapter, also after exchanging the |
Tue Mar 31 18:23:18 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1637, M1638, M1639, M1640 | M1637: C. Graded C due to not completed first
test at -20C. Urs has reported issues. The
second -20C after T-Cycle and test at +10C |
Wed Apr 1 17:10:16 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1641-M1644 | M1641: B due to mean noise > 200electons for
a few ROCs
M1642: B due to mean noise > 200electons |
Thu Apr 2 22:50:33 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648 | All modules graded B due to mean noise > 200
electrons. |
Fri Apr 3 14:15:01 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1637, M1638, M1639, M1640 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]M1637: C. Graded
C due to not completed first test at -20C.
Urs has reported issues. The second -20C |
Fri Apr 3 15:21:54 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1545, M1557, M1627, M1628 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]Retested M1545:
C->B (to be correct on the MoreWeb summary
Fri Apr 3 15:33:10 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]All modules graded
B due to mean noise > 200 electrons.[/quote]
Fri Apr 3 17:29:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1557, M1591, M1649, M1651 | M1557: C due to 214 pixel threshold failure
in ROC4 only at +10C (several previous FTs
at +10C were graded B!)
Mon Apr 6 14:23:03 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1645, M1646, M1647, M1648 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"][quote="Andrey
Starodumov"]All modules graded B due to mean
noise > 200 electrons.[/quote]
Mon Apr 6 17:18:02 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1606, M1630, M1655, M1566 | M1606: B due to mean noise of several ROCs>
M1639: C* due to failure many pixels of ROC1 |
Tue Apr 7 16:57:01 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1593, M1658, M1659, M1660 | M1593: B due to Rel.gain width and mean noise
of a few ROCs
M1658: B due to threshold and mean noise |
Wed Apr 8 17:09:05 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1572, M1661, M1663, M1664 | M1572: Grade B due to mean noise of ROC4 211
M1661: Grade B due to mean noise of a few |
Thu Apr 9 17:24:49 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1654, M1665, M1666, M1667 | M1654: Grade A
M1665: Grade B due to noisy pixels in ROC5.
To be checked by module doctor!
Tue Apr 14 17:19:44 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1668, M1669, M1670, M1672 | M1668: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
several ROCs
M1669: Grade B due to ROC2 mean noise >200e
Wed Apr 15 17:26:46 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1623, M1657, M1673, M1674 | M1623: Grade B due to rel gain width, in ROC4
74 pixels failed trimming (Threshold) and
mean noise >200e
Thu Apr 16 17:31:16 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1662, M1675, M1676 | M1662: Grade C due to failure of ROC4 in almost
all tests: PixelAlive, PH calibration etc
Should be investigated and retested. At Reception |
Fri Apr 17 18:05:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1542, M1557, M1630, M1649 only at +10C | M1542 has grade C for relative gain width.
Was tested with early versions of test SW
with trim VCal=40 and not yet optimized PH |
Tue Apr 21 17:39:48 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653 | M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels
in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC11,14,15.
There was no such problem at previous test |
Wed Apr 22 17:41:11 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"]
M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels
in total) trimming failures at -20C in ROC11,14,15. |
Thu Apr 23 13:34:52 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1542, M1554, M1555, M1653 | [quote="Andrey Starodumov"][quote="Andrey
M1542: Grade C due to massive (>1000pixels |
Thu Apr 23 13:37:29 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1556, M1557, M1559, M1560 | M1556: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise
M1557: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise |
Thu Apr 23 17:26:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1561, M1564, M1565, M1566 | M1561: Grade B due to several ROCs mean noise
M1564: Grade B due to two ROCs mean noise |
Fri Apr 24 13:59:43 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1568, M1569, M1570, M1571 | M1568: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
a few ROCs and for ROC0 RelGainWidth(=0.1)
is twice larger then for other ROCs
Mon Apr 27 13:23:47 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1573, M1574, M1576, M1577 | Test has been done on April 24
M1573: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
a few ROCs
Mon Apr 27 13:50:09 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1578, M1579, M1580, M1581 | M1578: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
a few ROCs and 67 pixels failed trimming
in ROC1 at -20C
Tue Apr 28 18:06:41 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1582, M1583, M1584, M1585 | Modules tested om Apr 27
M1582: Grade C due to 167 pixels failed trimming
on ROC1 at +10C only. Previous test on Feb |
Tue Apr 28 18:11:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1586, M1587, M1588, M1589 | M1586: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
a few ROCs
M1587: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for |
Wed Apr 29 14:08:42 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1536, M1537, M1538 | M1536: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
M1537: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for |
Wed Apr 29 18:11:36 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1590, M1592, M1596, M1600 | Modules tested om April 28
M1590: Grade B Grade B due to mean noise
>200e for a few ROCs
Thu Apr 30 15:16:58 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1540, M1541, M1543, M1547 | Modules tested om April 29
M1540: Grade B due to many (>1000) pixels
failed trimming but only 70 are in "C-zone" |
Thu Apr 30 15:25:36 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1548, M1549, M1550, M1551 | M1548: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
M1549: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for |
Mon May 4 14:13:39 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1552, M1553, M1595, M1597 | FT on April 30th
M1552: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
Mon May 4 14:18:20 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1540, 1549, 1571, 1598 | M1540: Grade A
M1549: Grade B due to mean noise >200e for
ROC2 and 48 dead pixels in ROC5
Tue May 5 13:58:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1582, M1649, M1667 | M1582: Grade C due to trimming failure in
ROC1 for 189 pixels at +10C. This is third
time module restesed:
Wed May 6 13:20:28 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1574, M1581, M1660, M1668 | Modules tested on May 5th
M1574: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in
ROC10 and trimming failures for 89 pixels |
Wed May 6 16:24:21 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1580, M1595, M1606, M1659 | M1580: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in
ROC5/8 and trimming failures for 100+ pixels
in the same ROCs at +10C, previous result |
Tue May 12 13:29:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Full test | FT of M1539, M1582, M1606 | M1539: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in
few ROCs
M1582: Grade B due to mean noise >200e in |
Fri May 22 17:09:37 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | FTs for ETHZ | Module list1 | [COLOR=green]green[/COLOR]: correct in Total
production overview
black: to remove old entries/raws
Tue May 26 22:56:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list1 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Fri May 29 15:56:27 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | FTs for ETHZ | Module list2 | [COLOR=green]green:[/COLOR] correct in Total
production overview
black: to remove old entries/rows
Thu Jun 4 11:32:46 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list2 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Mon Jun 15 10:36:45 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | FTs for ETHZ | Module list 3 | M1596 2020-04-28
M1597 2020-04-30
M1598 2020-05-04
Tue Jun 16 00:45:48 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | FTs for ETHZ | Module list 3 | The following FullQualification tar file have
been uploaded to CERNBox
Tue Aug 6 14:30:00 2019 |
Dinko Ferencek | Documentation | Jumo Imago 500 manuals | Manuals can be found at |
Wed Aug 7 12:24:14 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Documentation | Activities 31.7.-9.8.2019. | 31.7.
Matej tested 4 HDIs (8030-8033 and 8010). |
Mon Mar 30 16:46:59 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | DB | Sensors missing in Advacam spreadsheet | Dinko noticed that several sensors are missing
in Advacam spreadsheet:
- 381785-03-3 used for M1586
Wed Aug 7 18:01:06 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | PhOptimization problem | August 7 - we found out that PhOptimization
algorithm starts leaking memory if it fails
to find proper values. If running one setup, |
Thu Oct 31 10:41:12 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Issue with DTB_WWVASW | On 29th of October, an issue with DTB_WWVASW
was noticed when trying to run FullQualification
on 4 modules at the same time. On a tested, |
Tue Nov 19 14:10:10 2019 |
Andrey | Cold box tests | new modules M1533 and M1534 | Yesterday Silvan wire bonded two new modules
M1533 and M1534 that are both grade C due
to high leakage current and a few ROCs with |
Wed Nov 27 08:39:24 2019 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Bump bonding test investigation | The BB test on M1534 shows a lot of dead bunmps
on C10 and some on C1 and C0 as well. Putting
a source on top of the module shows that |
Mon Jan 20 21:33:20 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Latest tests of PH optimization | We did some tests by running the latest version
of pXar on modules M1521, M1529, M1534 and
M1536, specifically trimming and PH optimization. |
Tue Jan 21 12:19:08 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Latest tests of PH optimization | [quote="Dinko Ferencek"]We did some tests
by running the latest version of pXar on
modules M1521, M1529, M1534 and M1536, specifically |
Thu Jan 23 14:54:45 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Keithley exchanged | Yesterday during an attempt to run the FullQualification,
elComandante would lose control over Keithley
after performing the IV curve measurements |
Mon Jan 27 17:50:48 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Failing modules at -20 | Friday, 24.1., it was noticed that the modules
are graded as 'C' in similar fashion. Module
is graded A/B at +10 degrees and then graded |
Thu Jan 30 13:51:03 2020 |
Matej Roguljic | Cold box tests | Fulltest failure - psiAgente | During the first fulltest@-20 of the full
qualification procedure for modules: 1539,
1541, 1542 and 1543; an error message popped |
Tue Feb 4 19:52:22 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Blue coldbox setup for reception tests commissioned | Today I continued where Matej left off with
commissioning the blue coldbox setup for
reception tests. All the necessary software |
Thu Feb 6 00:45:25 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Lost at least one Peltier in the coldbox | During an overnight (Feb. 4-5) FullQualification
run with modules 1545, 1547, 1548, and 1549
the coldbox lost the ability to maintain |
Thu Feb 6 17:28:23 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | New Peltiers installed | Today new Peltiers were installed and tested.
Unfortunately, we had trouble reaching -20
C with this new set of Peltiers (they are |
Tue Feb 11 17:56:06 2020 |
Dinko Ferencek | Cold box tests | Fulltest failure - psiAgente | During today's full qualification the 2nd
fulltest@-20 for TB1 (M1562) failed
Mon May 11 13:19:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Cold box tests | M1539 | After several attempts including reconnecting
the cable, M1539 had no readout if it's connected
to TB3. When connected to TB1, M1539 did |
Thu Apr 16 15:21:51 2020 |
Andrey Starodumov | Change TBM | Change TBMs on M1635, M1653, M1671 | M1635: no data from ROC8-ROC11 => change TBM1
M1653: ROC12-ROC15 not programmable => change